Dark side of Hollywood: 10 scandalous stories that happened at different times in the "kinomatograph" forge "


Dark side of Hollywood: 10 scandalous stories that happened at different times in the

Today, Hollywood is a place mired in scandals and vice. But many decades ago everything was the same. Sometimes it seems that from the very beginning, shine and glamor were just a thin surface layer, followed by the sea of ​​dirt. In fact, it may be part of the fact that there is enough people in Hollywood, because you like to read about scandals so much.

1. Unpunished murder

Film studios did not like scandals with the participation of their stars. In fact, they hired people whose work was to prevent the emergence of such dirty stories in newspapers. One of these specialists was Eddie Manneque. Basically, he "covered" stars from the disclosure of their drunken debaches or extramarital pregnancies, but in 1937, manniches may have helped the biggest star Hollywood to avoid responsibility for murder.

At that time, Wallace Biri was the highest paid actor in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. He gained fame due to such films as the "big house", "Billy Kid" and "Secret Six", and also received an Oscar for a role in the "champion". On December 20, 1937, the actor may beat a man to death (this is comic to Tede Healy, the creator of "three puppets"). Presumably, two men quarreled, and then came up near the Night Club "Trocadero". The problem was that together with the biys were producer / Gangster Pasquale di Chicko and an unknown third person. The trinity beat Healy so much that he died in a few days. Of course, these are all rumors and legends of Hollywood.

No one blamed the Biri. However, the actor in a hurry left the city, because it was allegedly sent for 4 months "on a business trip" to Europe at the insistence of the MGM producer Luis B. Mayer, who organized a cover to protect his star.

2. Mortal diet

The appearance of Hollywood stars has always been very important, and studios went on a lot so that their actors looked slim. The most famous example is Judy Garland, who, being a teenager, was sitting on a diet from soup, coffee and cigarettes approved by Mgm. At the same time, the actress is also constantly baked amphetamines so that it is cheerful and energetic. In the late 1940s, MGM signed a contract with Tenor Mario Lanz, and he was removed in a series of successful musicals that brought millions of profit.

Nevertheless, Lanza loved to eat and drink, which led to problems with weight throughout his Hollywood career. Therefore, shortly before each filming, Lanz sat on a rigid diet to "come to normal". This led to numerous health problems, which made the singer cancel a few concerts. In the late 1950s, Lanz moved to Rome to play in several films and perform with concerts throughout Europe.

As in the previous time, he went to the clinic, so that he was recommended by a diet. There singer was subjected to experimental treatment, during which he was pumped by strong sedatives and fed intravenously. In the end, Lanz's body began to refuse. He died of a sudden heart attack in 1959, after which there were unreasonable rumors that Lantse killed Mafia for refusing to participate in the concert she sponsored.

3. Loss of innocence

In 1935 - 1938, the largest cashiers in Hollywood collected Shirley Temple. When she was only six years old, the girl received an honorary Oscar Prize in the nomination "Academy Youth Award" for the role in "shining eyes." Unfortunately, all this period was overshadowed for girls with numerous attempts to sexual violence. Currently, everyone is already known about the attacks for young actresses in Hollywood. And Shirley Temple openly wrote about it in his autobiography of 1988 "Star-child", without fearing to call names.

Over the years, she accused various actors and managers (for example, the comic of George Jessel and the producer of David Salznik) in the fact that they did not appeal to her. Perhaps the worst of all was the musical producer of Arthur Frid, famous for his work on hits, such as American in Paris and "singing under the rain." They met when Temple moved from 20th Century Fox to MGM. The girl entered the Cabinet Frieda, who stated that she would become his new star, unbuttoned his pants and began to pester 11-year actress. Shocked stirred began to laugh, and it was so angry with producer that he set it out of his office.

4. Gardens Allah

When the actors wanted to indulge their hedonistic gusts, there were many places in Hollywood where they could satisfy their desires. However, few of them could be compared with the Gardens of Allah. Initially, it was a luxurious Hayvenhurst mansion on Sunset Boulevard. Then the owner of the mansion William Hay sold him Russian actress Alla Nazimova. Despite the fact that Nazimova was married, she started a lot of women mistresses.

Her new house, renamed the "Allah Gardens," became known as one of the few places in Hollywood, where lesbians and bisexual women could open their sexuality. In 1926, the actress built 25 more villas next to his mansion and began to use them as a luxury hotel. Already famous for their amazing parties, the "Gardens of Allah" became a place where all Hollywood stars could indulge in their defects in privacy, away from the public and journalists. Marlene Dietrich, Humphrey Bogart, Errol Flynn, Orson Wells, Laurence Olivier, John Barrymore, Greta Garbo and many others were frequent regulars of "gardens". Publisher Bernie Woods told the story of the leader of Big Band Tommy Dorsey, who somehow met with his colleague Jase Kaisser at the hotel. To show that he is more popular, Dorsey pulled two naked women from his bedroom, on the pubirs of which were the Vibritis of his initials "T" and "D"

5. Black list of "Hell Heddy"

In Hollywood there were many influential people, but one name was remembered for a long time - Hedda Hopper. After she did not have a career actress, Head began to lead a column of secular gossip in 1938. She quickly gained success and, at the height of its popularity in the 1940s, the secular chronicle of the chadda read 35 million people. Hopper was not shy at all in the watering of all the mud and even herself called herself the "world potscool".

Most of all, the browser admired his opportunity to destroy someone's career or marriage with all of several offers. Filter producer Luis B. Mayer called her "Hell Headda." Her favorite goals were communists and gays. Being one of the founders of the "Alliance of Cinema for Conservation of American Ideals", Hedda Hopper was one of the "gray cardinals" behind the Hollywood "black list", according to which the people suspected in the sympathies of the Communists were driven out from work. One of the people who suffered from Heddy was Dalton Trambo - a screenwriter who was blacklisted until 1960.

Charlie Chaplin in the secular column was also regularly insulted, since Hopper believed that the actor behaves an immoral lifestyle. The fastest and easy way to get to the "black list" of Hedda was that it was necessary to praise her long-standing rival Luell Parsons or to cooperate with her. This happened to Ingrid Bergman, who lied his pregnancy Hopper, and then said Parsons.

6. History Francis Farmer

The mental illness is a problem that doctors know quite a little about today. And in the 1940s, Hollywood's stars, which were noticed in something similar, were a real "feed" for tabloids. One of the best examples is Francis Farmer. At first she performed on stage, and in Hollywood, Farmer debuted in 1936. For a decade, its film engineer was quite successful, however, in the 1940s, the media began to write more about the inadequate behavior of the actress, and not about her career.

Farmer was sentenced to a six-month imprisonment in January 1943. This happened after she attacked the courtroom (the case was considered about her driving condition) on two policemen and threw the inkwell in a judge. From prison, Farmer was translated into a sanatorium, where she was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. After a multiple stay in psychiatric hospitals, the actress in the late 1970s died, forgotten almost everyone. It would seem that the end of the story, but in 1978, William Arnold published a story about the life of Francis Farmer called "Shadowland", which argued that even during study at the institute of the future actress did lobotomy.

As a result, the book was filmed a successful film called "Francis". What is interesting, Arnold later acknowledged that his story about Lobotomy was fictional.

7. Death Lupe

Rumors sometimes have a real soil. This is especially true in the case of Hollywood, even when the rumor is even the most incredible. It happened with Lules Loupe. Actress, known for his living temper and a brown character, even gave the nickname "Mexican Spitfire". After a rapid marriage with the actor, famous role of Tarzan, Johnny Waismüller, Loupe became pregnant from the actor Harald Maresha. Soon after, the actress suddenly died at the age of 36 in 1944. In the death certificate, suicide was recorded as a reason. It was alleged that the police found a suicide note with a loupe in which she argued that he did not want to be disgraced due to an illegitimate child.

Everything seemed obvious, but the gossip still appeared. One rumor argued that the child belonged to Gary Kuperu, who refused him, because he was married. Another claimed that Veles had committed suicide due to bipolar disorder. And the most indecent hearing has appeared thanks to Kennet Engere, the author of the infamous book "Hollywood Babylon" in 1959.

It was told about the set of scandals in all their dirty details. Allegedly, the plan of "Mexican Spitfyra" die from overdose in her bed was rowed when the loupe was bad. She ran to the toilet, slipped on the tile and fell his head in the toilet, where he drowned.

8. Strawberry in youth

Joan Crowford may have a successful career in Hollywood, but her life "outside the screen" attracted a lot of attention to himself. She had a fierce rivalry with another star of Bett Davis. She was the Chairman of the Board of Pepsi-Cola before he had to retire. Joan's daughter, Kristina accused her mother that she often insulted her. And also, by rumors, Joan Crawford starred in porn before becoming famous.

Some people argued that this sample of early "strawberries" was called The Casting Couch. Immediately it is worth noting that there are no well-known copies or official documents confirming its existence. There are only a couple of photos laid out on the Internet, with supposedly frames from the film. In any case, The Casting Couch, most likely, will remain a mystery in Hollywood history. If you believe legend, then this film not only exists, but also used it for blackmailing Crawford.

The actress asked to "figure out" MGM, and the studio sent their "cleaners" so that they destroy all existing copies of the amateur film. Another version says that MGM has saved one copy to keep Crawford "on a short leash." The most convincing evidence of the film's existence is the story of the first husband of the actress Douglas Fairbenx Jr.. He told Charlotte Chandler, who wrote a biography of Crawford that Joan told him about the film before they got married. Nevertheless, Fairbanks never saw the film, and Joan has always reluctantly shared in detail.

9. Dangerous obsession

Mad fans - another problem with which you have to face celebrities. John Lennon, Selena and Diimebug Darrell - just a few artists who were killed by people obsessed with them. Many others also underwent physical danger. It turns out that this happened in the golden age of Hollywood. And back to Shirley Temple, which was then only ten years old. The case was happening in 1939, and Shirley performed a "quiet night" on Radoshou, when some woman tried to kill her. Fortunately, the potential killer was able to stop in time. Unfortunately, the daughter of this woman died on the same day (presumably in the same hour) when Shirley Temple was born.

Since then, she has become an obsesses of the idea that her daughter's soul was trapped by the Baby-Star Body, and that she will free her by killing the actress. As for Temple, she sympathized with his potential killer.

10. The secret of the mother

Children born out of marriage were "outlined" in Hollywood, therefore, among the film studios, the practice of "beliefs" of their stars was common to make abortions. One of these actresses, pregnant out of marriage, was Loretta Young. She gave birth to Judy Lewis in 1935, going to "Vacation" to England in order to give birth there. After giving birth, she gave Judy to the shelter, and then "overturized" her daughter. Judy's father was Clark Gable, although the girl did not know about it while he was still alive. Only when Judi went the fourth ten, the mother finally admitted to her in everything. The most shocking aspect of this story actually appeared on the press pages in 2015. Linda Lyuis, Lauretta Young, said that in 1998, Young told her that he became pregnant from Gable as a result of rape.

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