9 signs of truly harmonious relationships that do not spoil


9 signs of truly harmonious relationships that do not spoil 2030_1

Want to know how strong your relationship with your partner? Then this article is for you! Below are 9 signs, which, according to experts, are characteristic of a very strong and healthy relationship, to break which is almost impossible.

You continue to laugh at his jokes

Even after 10 and 20 years of living partners in harmonious relationships can easily hang each other. Do not claiming, they can continue out loud of each other's thoughts, together to make a mess over someone or each other and do not be offended. Do you think this banality? But no - according to experts, the end of any relationship begins when the partner's jokes cease to cheer when the attempts of the humor of one begin to annoy the other. If the fact that it used to see you cute, now dismisses it - it means everything comes to an end.

You easily let go of each other on corporate parties and parties with friends.

9 signs of truly harmonious relationships that do not spoil 2030_2

Sturdy couples are distinguished by the fact that partners are not jealous of each other in them and do not feel offended if the beloved man expressed a desire to stay in a circle of his buddies or go to the corporate party, where colleagues will be without their halves. And if you also calmly treat his meetings and campaigns without your presence, you do not call him a hundred times on the day and do not arrange interrogations with the addiction - then you move in the right direction. Trust your beloved person and believing that he appreciates your relationship and will not make them because of the fleeting attraction - this is a sound approach.

You continue to talk about warm feelings and organize dates

Talk about your love partner is always correct, even if there are dozens of years before the years. Also in strong pairs regularly satisfied with each other any romantic pleasantness and be sure to go on dates - together, without friends, children and relatives. To do this, you do not need to have many free finances - it is pleasant to spend the time together you can also at home by creating a candle, twilight and delicious dinner intimate atmosphere. Turn off the phone, create a background with pleasant music, get dressed like and dedicate yourself to each other.

You even have thoughts do not arise to check his phone or computer

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If you do not have any suspicious thoughts every time your favorite calls the phone or receives a message in social networks, if you are not bothering his stormy correspondence in the messengers is very good. If the partner also applies to you - this means that you trust each other, which is also the criterion of healthy and harmonious relations. But with this point it is worth being careful. Do not confidence with indifference - there is a very thin face between them. If you are just anyway, who and what writes your half is already a disturbing bell.

You thank each other every other, and it doesn't matter what

In strong relationships, people regularly speak each other's words of gratitude, and it doesn't matter at all for what - for the desired desire, for love, for care for attention, etc. Expressing gratitude, you still show your chosen one - you are valuable what he gives you. By doing so, the partner will never think that he is not needed or not appreciated. On the contrary, feeling its value, he will strive to become even better and to be more useful for the partner.

You did not have sex with each other

A very important element in a relationship, which often lead to collapse. If many years later, you know how to deliver the partner pleasure if you see it sexy if he excites you, and you mean you are ideal to come to each other. If in a pair of full order with sex, it will never be worth it - why look on the side that with an excess is already under the side.

You do not quarrel, but do the dialogs

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Instead of beating the plates and arrange hysterics, you are talking on an equal footing, do not raise the voices to each other and do not go to insults. In the conversation you are trying to understand your loved one, take into account his opinion and interests. All this is the key to a solid relationship, where mutual respect and support reigns. And if the nervous flashes still slip at your relationships, then you just think about what it happens if the partner will have patience at one moment, he will finally get tired that it breaks off - he will simply unfold and leave. If a person is valuable if the roads are expensive, then it is better to start working on self-control.

You know how to calm and support each other

When everything is fine, there are no problems - one pleasure is in a relationship. But tested for strength comes with problems. If you know how to support the one who is near, if you can find words of support, if your favorite arms actually act on you soothing - then you are with that person you need. Unfortunately, the art of support is mastered not all pairs, and for someone it is normal in publicly "finishing" a partner when he fell into not the best period. It is in a pair - it means to be one, without losing its individuality.

In relationship you can be ourselves

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To top it all worth saying and importance to remain in a relationship. Do not try to build someone from myself to constantly like your chosen one. So, for example, you really like to draw pictures, and you are ready for days to do this, but a person next to you considers it a useless walking time and constantly says about it. Or imagine that your partner will suddenly get involved in the cultivation of flowers - do you accept it? According to psychologists, it is not necessary, although it is desirable to try to share partner's hobbies, but do not make fun of them, even if his hobby looks stupid for you.

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