Why women like bearded men but not long


Why women like bearded men but not long 1976_1

It so happened that the canons of beauty in the world regularly undergo changes, but the standards of human attractiveness each remain almost unchanged ... at a certain period of time ... I wonder what affects these indicators? Why the one who has recently seemed so beautiful today can already cause rejection.

Scientists respond simply - in everything you have to blame sites and mobile dating applications.

The impact on the thinking of society and everyone separately, including in terms of "beautifulness", has many factors: pop culture, media, Internet, etc. Someone believes that he likes one type of people throughout the lifestyle, but in fact it is not so - the views on beauty are revised regularly, and sometimes this process takes just a couple of minutes.

Why women like bearded men but not long 1976_2

Scientists do not refute the old proverb that beauty in the eyes of the watching, but at the same time they emphasize that looking regularly changes himself, and his tastes change with him. The peak of changing the standards of beauty fell on the era of the development of the Internet - since then the preferences of society began to change much faster.

And the reason for such instability, most likely, in the abundance of photos in the World Wide Web, and especially on dating sites. Moreover, studies show that in addition to the frequent change of the attractiveness criteria, our ideas about the beautifulness of a person also affects what faces we have just watched.

So, during the experiment, the ladies were asked to estimate the level of attractiveness of 60 men, whose photos were shown for less than a second. The conclusions turned out to be interesting: the following woman's face was assessed as cute, if the previous man seemed attractive. With an accuracy, on the contrary, it was when the presented appearance of a woman did not like - then the next challenger assessed as ugly. It seemed the impression that the respondents have the standards of attractiveness with lightning times, literally with each face. Explanation of such a phenomenon is simple - thus our brain processes new information.

As scientists explain, the brain is not able to analyze the entire flow of incoming information in a short time, therefore, when this task comes itself - he simplifies the task, using the experience of the past, even if it was a few seconds ago. This is called serial addiction. Subconsciously, each person is confident that the physical signs of the subject do not change instantly. For example, if you look at the mug, then you will answer, then you will not have doubts that if you look at her again, it will change.

Why women like bearded men but not long 1976_3

The same happens when people considering people on dating sites, quickly moving from one photo to another very easy to fall into the illusion. The brain is simply not able to rework the incoming information, so it starts to "fake" in the estimates, giving a high scores not suitable for our personal standards, but suitable low.

Runny look

If you have much more attractive people on the Internet than in real life, then the whole secret lies, most likely, in the speed of viewing pages. These scientists show that people are much more likely to count a person to a row of cute, if they are looking at him, but when you look more closely, the opinion is often changing.

Because Each of which may refuse the future partner in life, the brain seeks to choose the most attractive option for itself. Therefore, if you notice that someone or something seemed to you suddenly attractive - try to look more closely, and even better to do it several times with an interval a day or two. And then you can already draw conclusions. By the way, the same is best done in the opposite case. Do not hurry to be disappointed if the person did not like you immediately - it may also be due to serial addiction.

Why women like bearded men but not long 1976_4

When watching a photo on the Internet also triggers the effect of a ridden glance. But despite the fact that our brain turned out to be such a non-permanent in his preferences, and besides, a "deceiver" in some cases, the results of the study prove that each of us is able to influence it, simply sending it the necessary information.

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