Chemical curling: the history of artificial curls


Chemical curling: the history of artificial curls 1947_1

Beautiful wavy hair of the eyelids were the subject of the appearance of fashion and fashionistas of the whole world. Until the 20th century, Kudri were short-lived. They were built with the help of rolled metal tongs or squeezed on fire. In the first case, there was always a risk of burning her hair, so the art of creating beautiful waves only owned experienced hairdressers.

At home, the woman was more likely to use papillotes - slices of fabrics on which wet hair screwed. With them, the lady went to bed. In the morning, Papillary was filmed and received tight curls who held the whole day. But all these attempts to make curls wavy were just the first step towards those tricks that are used in beauty salons now.

Chemical curvage invention

A real breakthrough in the hairdresser occurred in 1905. Then no one knows the German barrier Karl-Ludwig Nester presented the world a revolutionary invention - an electrical apparatus with 12 brass rods to create durable kuds. The hair was supposed to be treated with sodium peroxide and put on these dops "curlers".

Nester has long experienced an invention on his own wife. A poor woman suffered a lot of executions, which as a result of which received several thermal skin burns and dry, degraded hair. As a result, the experimenter came to the conclusion that the electric twist can only be done on long hair. In this case, the rods are removed from the head and do not burn the skin.

The demonstration of the work of the apparatus Nester spent in his hairdresser with a large crossing of the people. The curling process lasted about 5 hours. In the end, the heroic Frau Nester appeared before the yawas and her husband's colleagues in charming curls. As Karl-Ludwig promised, the next day these waves were not going anywhere.

Later it turned out that curly curled currency curves hold almost 6 months. This made an indelible effect. Finally, women could forget about their torments with papillotes and other torture tortures! However, at first, the apparatus for curling did not enjoy great demand: the process of creating beauty itself was too long and unsafe.

American Permanent

During the First World War, because of the accusations in esstionage, Nester was running in the United States. There, the margin of the inventor continued its revolutionary business and even opened several salons. American beauties "Electric Permanent" used much in demand than Europeees.

Curvas devices for a long time were improved until finally a safer device with flexible cords was created, to the ends of which large steel curlers were attached. It was used for several decades, right up to World War II. In the 30s, new alkaline compositions were also invented, allowed the curls for 7-8 months.

The era of wavy hair has come. All the stars of the screen of that era and their conventional women walked with curls, fancy laid around her head. Permanent was in honor not only in the ladies. Many men turned out to be at all away to decorate themselves with elegant "night waves", as they called permanent twist.

The invention of the "cold" method

In 1939, the American Arnold Villate began to use the ammonium thioglycol for the permanent. This chemical changed the natural structure of the hair, literally "reproving" it in a new sample. The invention of the Villat made it possible to create a bulk wavy hair without the use of heavy electrical apparatus and heating. So the "cold" method of a chemical curling was born.

Now the process occupied not 5 hours, as before, but only 2-3. Women literally went crazy from the new invention. In the 40s, it was simply indecent to walk with straight hair. It was equivalent to recognizing that the woman does not watch themselves. Famous cosmetic companies Schwarzkopf, L'Oreal, etc. Non-Family offered the ladies new tools for safe lock lockers.

Curling and ideology

While in all European countries and America there was a real boom on the permanent, in the fascist Germany, they strongly fought with it. According to Hitler and his minions, "too" curly hair did not fit the image of true Aryy. However, the Germans are still at least a droplet, even a little bit, but screwed their curls to keep up with fashion.

In the Soviet Union, on the contrary, in the 50s, the sphere of servicing the population began to develop strongly. In this regard, much attention was paid to the development of safe methods of chemical curling. The new hairdressers were constantly opened, the mandatory attribute of which was the device for the permanent.

Soviet citizens almost 3 decades decorated their heads unchanged curly. Usually, the permanent was done on short hair. Such a hairstyle was very practical. In the morning the woman got up, made a few cracklers of the mass and fled to the plant to build communism. As far as the construction of "and la la la la la la la la la la la scanties is decorated with its owner's head, Soviet citizens did not think. Not before it was.

Goodbye curls!

A new method is an acid chemical curling - was invented only in the mid-70s. It is used to the present. Cosmetics are constantly being improved to preserve the natural shine and the living structure of the hair.

However, the curls themselves and permanent curvage in recent decades have greatly lost their significance. Now the sign of well-groom is considered smooth, brilliant and absolute smooth hair. But this is a completely different story.

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