How to behave to save relationships: what a couple forget about


How to behave to save relationships: what a couple forget about 1940_1

As soon as the "candy-bought" period ends, everything can change a little. Routine will begin, and the attention, which was in a widow at the beginning of courtship, can change the complacency. Ultimately, tension occurs. The following simple tips may seem like a banality, but many may be surprised at how often people forget about important trifles.

1. Communication is vital

No one can read each other's thoughts, so it is very important to express aloud all that affects us, it does not matter, it is positive moments or negative. Even small changes in the behavior who are worried, with time can become more annoying, so it is good to find out everything long before irritation accumulates to such an extent that turns into anger.

In the same way, misunderstanding can lead to the worst consequences, so if not sure about something, it is worth trying to discuss it quietly. It is always better to figure out, because it is quite possible that someone misunderstood some time or "pulled the words from the context," and the quarrel and the eggs are not worth it. Despite the fact that many believe that they know their partners well after several years of life with them, you need to remember that everyone grow and change over time, and methods of communication should also change as needed.

2. Never perceive each other as due

You need to be aware of everything that the partner does for you, and express your gratitude when possible. After all, it is easy to say a banal "thank you" for washed after dinner dishes or tell a partner, how much means for you that he makes coffee or tea exactly as you like. The partner will feel gratitude for the love and kindness that he is shown, and will also express his appreciation.

3. Respect each other's time

Communication is important, but no less important (if not more) the ability to spend time alone. If you spend too much time together, it can cause irritation, especially if you feel that the personal space is constantly invaded. Time alone is always necessary for personal reflection, meditation or even just calm contemplation. It is also necessary to remember that the absence causes to appreciate its partner even more, so it is worth a long time to spend apart. Those who live together would be nice to have personal rooms in which you can be alone.

4. Do not "launch" yourself

It is inevitable that when a certain level of comfort is achieved, and the intimacy wins early awkwardness, the image of behavior changes. Girls no longer spend an hour to prepare before dinner to make sure that their hairstyle is ideal, and men can safely wear some and the same pants two days in a row, without worrying about appearance. This is completely normal. Nevertheless, the closer level of comfort does not mean that it is necessary to neglect personal hygiene or abandon its living space. For example, although you know perfectly well that no one will tell his "fee" about the box from pizza on the floor, yet you should not leave it there. It is necessary to try so that everything is neat, and the appearance was not incredible.

5. both have several hobbies, both common and personal

Perhaps someone does not share the love of their partner to MMORPG, and in response he does not understand how old French films can love, and it is absolutely normal. Despite the fact that people share some joint hobbies and interests, it is also important to have their own social groups and interests. So there will always be many interesting things about which you can talk when you are nearby.

6. Recognize when it was wrong (or when the partner was right)

This can be difficult for some people, but it is really important. If you find that I was wrong about something, you need to admit it. So you can easily achieve recognition and respect for your partner, and if not to do this, then will be perceived as a real feeder. In addition, when the couple discusses something, and one of the partners is right, you need to recognize this fact.

7. Believe in your partner

Trust and believe another person can actually be very difficult, especially if others were deceived in the past. If the previous partner cheated or betrayed, it is not surprising that you can worry about that the same thing will happen in current relations. However, a similar attitude without a good reason can be very offended by a partner. If this still happens, it is worth contacting psychoanalyst. If someone offended, you can not think that everyone will do it.

8. Leave the past in the past

If the pair together successfully overcame some difficulties, you need to forget about it and simply not repeat this. Do not return to difficult times during disputes, as well as not to use it as a reason to blame partner. You also need to try not to assume that only because something happened once, it will happen again. What was, then passed. Release the situation.

9. Mutual goals are important

It is just wonderful - to have a goal or a project that both work together, as this may affect many aspects of life. You can work together on the artwork, save on a trip, build a cottage or even working in the garden. It will be better to determine the strengths of everyone to work in harmony.

10.There honest

Some people lie to their partners for years because of fear to hurt them or offend them, but it can lead to what will become even worse. The one who Lgut will know that something is wrong, and the one who lies may experience an increasing disappointment about what is constrained, and as a result, the relationship may eventually suffer. We are talking about honesty, connected not even with frank lies, but rather with personal interests or preferences that could change over the past years.

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