How to paint during illness


How to paint during illness 1919_1

Each woman does not know what is hard to pick up and apply makeup during colds - the eyes will be watched, the skin flakes, the lips are cracking, the nose blushes - only it creates a lot of inconvenience. But even in such a difficult period, makeup can be perfect if you follow some rules and stick.

Skin preparation

With a cold, the skin often becomes very dry and peeling appear. Someone is trying to correct the situation with the help of peeling, but often it only aggravates the state of the dermis, so it is necessary to abandon such a radical method and not injure the dermis. It is better to use moisturizing creams, and on the sections with redness to apply serums and lotions. Before applying makeup, it is desirable to use a nutrient moisturizing mask and take advantage of moisturizing patches that eliminate bags under the eyes.

Smooth tone

During the illness, the complexion suffers and the color of the face - the skin becomes pale, or, on the contrary, they appear redness, and under the eyes there are ugly dark circles. To hide all these troubles, you can use the Palest with a consilement. Green tone should be applied on the field of redness, and orange impose under the eyes to eliminate bruises.

With a cold, it is necessary to abandon dense tonal creams, preferred with light fluids with a matting effect, and apply a powder from above. It is better not to apply anything to the peeling plots at all, because It can only emphasize the flaw.

Healthy blush

Unhealthy skin pallor can be hidden with the help of Rumba. Lite literally pairs of strokes on the apples of cheeks and carefully growing them. From the color scheme, you should choose delicate peach shades, even if a bright fuchsia is used in the usual makeup - now it will definitely be inappropriate.


Absolutely every cold is accompanied by red and leaking eyes. Therefore, before starting to make a makeup, it is worth using high-quality vasionizing drops for eyes that will remove this redness. In the Makeup itself it is worth avoiding pearl shadows and pencils, because It only emphasizes the state of pain. At the time of the cold will have to abandon both purple, pink, lilac, blue and green colors - these colors will emphasize the sinusiness under the eyes. Where better look brown, beige and golden shades.

With a cold, the waterproof liner saves, which you can draw arrows. They visually raise their eyes. The eyeliner needs to choose a brown or dark gray tone, but black only will emphasize the red eyes. Mascara also need to take waterproof.


Well, of course, the lips, which, during a cold, also flake and crack. Therefore, at a time it is worth removing the frozen lipstick and bright tones. It is better stocking with nutritional balms, glitter of calm nude shades and hygienic lipstick. Well, if he was not lucky at all and herpes appeared on the lips, then it should be anneed with ointment and make less noticeable with the help of a corrector, and about any lipsticks at all forget until he hees.

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