10 faithful signs that friendship ended


10 faithful signs that friendship ended 1786_1

Friendship is a very valuable thing, but it does not always benefit, and not everything is friendship, which is customary by default. It should be appreciated, but in some cases even on the longest and "strong" friendship you need to put a point. Fine if in your relationship with a friend / girlfriend there is something from the list below.

After communication with a friend / girlfriend, your mood drops noticeably

We are not at all about those cases when a person shared his grief and you, competing to him, lost his mood. Considered situations where the negative mood becomes a regular companion of your communication. For example, you suddenly have noticed that after communicating with the girlfriend, you gradually begins to fall a self-esteem - after all, it constantly says that everyone, unlike you, are of affairs.

For your friend, you are a "ear", which is constantly bragging

Akim behavior a person with your help satisfies his own needs for Narcissism, and this behavior is particularly pronounced in women's friendship. But in fact, despite the visible "ideality" of the life of a friend, she tries to hypnotize themselves with such conversations. Perhaps she is not confident in relations with his man, and maybe he is married or for a long time does not make her sentences - there may be a lot of reasons. In any case, a person, so Yaro demonstrating only the positive aspects of his life, trying to hide their spiritual disorder.

Friend regularly gives categorical, aggressive and hard tips

Often, such behavior is characteristic of people who are not in relationships. So, for example, when meeting a friend regularly issues categorical: "And how can you be glad to him? They went on all four sides! " Such girlfriends almost forcibly pull out of relationships and families, and no good friendship will definitely lead to anything good.

For a friend you play the role of a psychotherapist

If each of your meetings or talk on the phone is more like a psychotherapy session, this is another sign that friendship has exhausted himself. Do you constantly have to keep a girlfriend, console her and soothe? It is not good. Someone may argue: "Doesn't the friendship be needed for this?". In all respects, the balance is needed - the observance of harmony between "take and give".

If your stories about the troubles, from the side of a constant girlfriend arrives a short: "Yes, do not worry, I also had it," it can only speak about one thing - the whole focus of attention she switched to herself. She doesn't care what happens to you, and she uses you as a vest. Therefore, competently express priorities, appreciate yourself, your time and carefully choose your friends.

A friend wishes you all free time you spent with him

Such behavior in friendship is very pronounced among adolescents, but adult people faced this often. Here there is a clear violation of personal borders - a friend is trying to control each of your step: "Where are you going? And when? With whom? Why are you going there? And why didn't you call me with you? " - This is a hypercontrol, but definitely not friendship.

Friendship that pulls to the bottom

Each person has bad habits, just not all of them are so dangerous to sharpen attention on them. But if a friend clearly leads an unhealthy lifestyle, does not seek to develop and live as a normal person, and you, while in his society you feel that a bad side is activated next to him - run from such friendship. So far, the awareness is still available and no longer establish everything.

Your friendship is no longer reinforced, and you have different values ​​and views.

This is one of the few cases when friendship should not be stopped sharply - it is enough just to gradually reduce communication and meetings to the minimum. You do not need to intentionally ignore a person, hiding from him - just during conversations, let the answers briefly and in the case, do not ask questions yourself in order not to draw into long-term dialogs. The process is painful, but the real friendship between people who are too different will never work.

A friend betrayed you and behaves dishonest

The classic situation in female friendship is a friend and it is trying to prove that she is more attractive, charming, smart and in general, better than you in everything. And so that these evidence are as expressed as much as possible, it is constantly trying to attract the attention of your boyfriend / husband. And if its behavior is so frankly in your presence, it is completely easy to imagine what will be for your back.

Friend is an indirect provocateur quarrels in the family

Walking that in your family, the breakdown, such a friend regularly rises her husband and begins to show actively care about him. For example: "Why are you crying for him so much? You have such a good one! ". In this case, the girlfriend leads a hidden hostility - she is trying to show his superiority, which is not very characteristic of real friendship.

Friend refuses whenever you appeal for help

When the girlfriend regularly helps, but at times she really does not have the ability to help - this is normal. But if under the guise of a friend, there is a person who is constantly "busy", never comes to revenue, but in its direction it requires a direct opposite - this is the most primitive use from him.

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