12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+)


For some reason, it seems to us that the most fun and fascinating part of the work of doctors is to extract objects from the rectum of citizens. At least, citizens find it so much - otherwise they would hardly be treated there.

Audio cassette

Well, in general, everything is true: what else is the audio cassette in our time?

12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+) 16116_1


We were looking for them, looking for them, and they turn out to be here! It is not clear, however, why they are here, because with straight solar rays in the back passage exactly tens.

12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+) 16116_2

Light bulb

If it were not for X-ray, we would not believe. Well, because ... light bulb! How many idiots need to change the light bulb where the straight sun rays do not fall?

12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+) 16116_3

Bottle Kolya.

No, she probably has a nice form. And recognizable, by the way: you can use this x-ray in advertising.

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Billiard ball

Small such ball. For American billiards. I want to hope at least.

12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+) 16116_5

Corn for mixer

I would like to ask very carefully what was going to make a person who put it there.

12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+) 16116_6

Construction foam

How many times did the world told: erotic games with construction foam are dangerous for your health! All the same, the Internet is fulfilled by stories with photocheurs. Please no, do not do it! Do not squeeze the construction foam in the rear pass! She: a) expands, b) sticks.

12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+) 16116_7


Well, in fact, everything is clear: yes there will be a light!

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Little racing machine. At one time, this focus was tested by the Jackass group ("assholes" or "eccentrics") in one of their films. But at least they stuck the machine into a condom before riding her in a dark cave.

12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+) 16116_9

Mobile phone

It would seem that here is strange? Randomly sat on a mobile phone, went to the doctor and took out.

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Do you know such an expression - "Tightly sat on the glass"?

12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+) 16116_11


Usually in such cases they say "bullet in the head" - and here the whole combat cartridge is completely different. When removing, they say, the sappers were present.

12 items found in the rear aisles of citizens (18+) 16116_12

Please do not try to repeat it at home!

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