Twenty-five best quotes from Ray Bradbury


Ray Bradbury is one of the greatest science writers of our time. Bradbury's worlds magic, astronauts brave, blasters are accurate, and Mciana Muckly and gold chains.

But the value of Bradbury's books is not only in disdicamentary stories and cosmic entourage, and in the fact that in his fantastic heroes, we will be surprised to know ourselves. Ray Bradbury, first of all, a subtle psychologist and a big thinker. Quotes from his books are the best proof of that.

About love

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In every man, even if it is a non-chief, even if there are no thoughts, the image of a woman will be warm, which he is destined to love.

Love is when you want to worry with someone all four years of year. When you want to run with someone from the spring thunderstorm under the lilac with the flowers, and in the summer to collect berries and swim in the river. In the fall together to cook jam and stick the windows from the cold. In winter, helping to survive runny nose and long evening.

Love is when someone can return himself to man himself.

If we had listened to our mind, we would never have a love relationship ... We would never go to it, because there would be cynical: something is wrong - or: she will throw me - or: I already kicked me up, And therefore ... so you can miss the whole life. Every time you need to jump from the cliff and grow wings along the way down.

Love is when both love mutually. When one loves one - this is a disease.

About childhood and youth

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Adults and children are two different people, which is why they are always fighting among themselves. See, they are not at all like us. See, we are not at all like them.

If you are twelve, then on each call you expect to hear the response. You feel that any desire can be fulfilled. And sometimes you may be, and not very far from the truth.

In thirteen life goes awry. Fourteen - and comes to a dead end. In sixteen - at least go yes daisy. Seventeen - the end of the world. And there, the shepherds are about twenty years so that things go to the way.

When a man seventeen, he knows everything. If he is twenty-seven and he still knows everything - he also, he is still seventeen.

In each of us there is a child. Locked him in the eyelids eternal - it's a simple thing.

About growing and wisdom

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Years - this is where it is easier to hide.

In the end, that there will be no more and there will never be. Man lives today.

All the same old men - they always have such a kind that they all know everything in the world. But this is only a pretense and mask, like any other pretense and every other mask. When old people remain alone, then wink each other and smile: they say, how do you like my mask, my pretense, my confidence? Does life - not a game? And after all, I play thumbightly?

Of course, all people die, but when my turn comes, I will say: no, thank you.

The past, the future is not all equal ... After all, what comes after us will still come - tomorrow or ten thousand years.

About literature and books

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Books are only one of the extensions where we store what is afraid to forget.

There are crimes worse than burn books. For example, do not read them.

A beautiful cover does not guarantee tasty content.

Unread books are able to revenge.

It is necessary to constantly be in a state of love in anything. In my case - in the book, in writing.

On the meaning of life

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You can get everything you need if you really need it.

You can choose, through which glass look at the world. Through dark or bright.

Create yourself what can save the world - and if you drown on the way, so you will know that they sailed to the shore.

Wider cutting eyes, live so greedy, as if in ten seconds you die. Try to see the world. It is more beautiful than any dream created in the factory and paid money. Do not ask for guarantees, do not look for peace - there is no such beast in the world.

Life is so too serious to perceive it seriously.

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