Diagnoses that you definitely have no



If in legitimate family scandals because of the unfulfilled requests you use the argument: "Well, you know that I have sclerosis," make sure that in your hands of your second half never hit the explanatory dictionary. Because there is not a word about the problems with the memory and the one who launched this "deso." But the black on white is written: the compaction of the organs due to the rebirth of their tissue into a solid connecting fabric. In other words, the replacement of the once-decent organ by the scar. Suddenly half decides that the scar is already too much?

Diagnoses that you definitely have no 16071_1


Through flowers, discovered on their own buttocks, pits and other irregularities of the skin do not need to faint with the Cellulite cry. Because in fact cellulite is a bacterial (which usually means purulent) inflammation of subcutaneous fatty fiber. The skin is the same yes, it goes to low-nethetical beatings, resembling an orange crust, but for some reason this fact is the last thing that the "owners" of cellulite is cared. It would not be hurt. And desirable - survive.

Diagnoses that you definitely have no 16071_2

Delirium tremens

If a friend who has clocked in your company, began to look for a myelofon and get into touch with aliens on the phone, boldly endure the vile insinuations about the "white hot". The right to get acquainted with the "protein" receive only the owners of the diagnosis of "chronic alcoholism of the II-III stage", and exclusively due to the absence of alcohol in the body for at least a day.

Diagnoses that you definitely have no 16071_3


Still, doctors are strange people. There was myself 100 years ago the term "Qatar" meant "inflammation of mucous membranes". Walking with a similar diagnosis was solid pleasure: "Qatar of the upper respiratory tract" sounds where nobleness than "snot". And with the "catarrhal inflammation" some trouble. Here's how it from medical into Russian translate is inflammatory inflammation of the mucous membranes? With such a sore, even in humans to appear ashamed.

Diagnoses that you definitely have no 16071_4


So in the proscakes renamed the initial "idiotia". But it is the little things. The main thing is not to introduce the people into a relaxing error, putting the diagnosis of "full idiocy" unimaginably chust and unbearably a talking type, which all members of the team want to immediately decorate the cage and a gag. The fact is that the correct idiorism in severely is characterized by almost the absence of speech and thinking.

Diagnoses that you definitely have no 16071_5

Salt deposits

The uncompromising struggle with the kitchen straw in the light of a hypothetical victory over some "salt deposition" looks like heroically, but strange. First, in a wet environment (and there is no other inside the body) the salt quickly, fun and completely dissolved. And secondly, if you even ever happened to please in salt with a chopped finger, then you are aware of the bright sensations arising from this.

Diagnoses that you definitely have no 16071_6

Disc loss

Croellians-Kostopravov, who discover from you "disk loss" and, most importantly, for a moderate fee of sending it back, you need to carefully bypass along a wide arc. Because intervertebral discs are kept for the vertebrae to death and physically unable to leave their place. Do not believe - try to make fall out at least one of the shopping chicken ridge.

Diagnoses that you definitely have no 16071_7


If you are not ready sincere to sympathize with a person suffering from garbage, you have no heart! Because in Latin Hernia is hernia. Thoughtful, although extincting Zemstvo doctors in the past century so directly to their patients and said: "You have a darling, garbage, here you suffer." And not their fault, that the descendants then all have reached.

Diagnoses that you definitely have no 16071_8

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