Great Lovers of the XX century, who could not refuse any beauty


Some men have incredible power over the female floors and won one victory after another. Why women dream of spending them, we never found out. Maybe the matter is in power, wealth, glory or unimaginable talent. And maybe it's just a certain "animal magnetism." One way or another, the fact remains a fact - there was no beauty in the world, which would refuse them.

Charlie Chaplin

"I was not an angel, but always sought to be a man."

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Charlie Chaplin was married four times, and every time his wives became very young girls. Alas, all these marriages ended in the same way: the court, scandal, and a divorce with an indispensable hit on the first bands of the newspapers. And only the last wife, Unaw O'Neill, gave Chaplin that he was so needed: peace and real family.

He was looking for an actress for a new film, and found fate. Unana came out for Charlie married and refused to take a movie. Then he threw his career - and they wonderfully lived their lives in Switzerland. She was 18, he was 50, but who could prevent it!

Frank Sinatra

"I have to have a doctorate degree of women on women. But in fact, I felt more often than we won. I love women very much, I admire them. But, like all men, I do not understand them. "

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The great American singer was, in rumors, is connected with Mafia, ideally dressed and purely of sporting interest conquered all possible well-known women, including his friend John Kennedy - Jacqueline.

He truly loved only Ava Gardner - a US actress, one of the most striking Stars of Hollywood. But their marriage continued for a long time - at some point, Ava has become successful and richer Frank, and this Macho with a velvet voice could not bear in any way. Nevertheless, they supported relations with each other until the very end.

John Kennedy

"The more I do nonsense, the more popular I become."

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John Kennedy, President of the United States, saved the world from a nuclear war, equalized blacks in rights and was incredibly popular in the people, which, however, did not prevent him from changing his beauty to his senior and left. Kennedy's mistress was, among about 1500 others, Marilyn Monroe. And they said about him that he was in a hurry. Kennedy himself argued that he never loved anyone - as a maximum, he was very fond of.

Pablo Picasso

"There are only two types of women - goddess and bedding."

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The great artist loved manipulated women and chose those who liked the games to emotional masochism. "Goddess" - women he wanted turned into "bedding" - women who can wipe legs. He passed this fascinating path several times, the last - already in a very migrated age.

Mao Jie Dong

"Every communist must learn that the truth that the" rifle creates power. " Our principle - the party commands the rifle; Completely unacceptably so that the rifle commands the party.

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The Chinese revolutionary and the dictator loved the women very much and believed that the rules of morality had no power over him - just as the rifle could not command the party. Mao was fond of Taoist philosophy and believed that young women's bodies would bring immortality, so at sunset every night he slept with a new girl.

Jimi Hendrix

"When the power of love surpasses the love of power, the world will come on earth."

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Hippie guru, genius electric guitar, loved women, took drugs, lived quickly and died young. Jimi had a bad character, explosive temperament and a lot of bad habits. He used cocaine as a sexual stimulator and brought women to the frenzy. Actually, imagine his behavior in bed is easy - enough to listen to old entries or see concert video.

LDA Landau

"The marriage is a cooperative, and he has nothing to do with love."

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The great physicist Lion Landau began to communicate with the opposite sex, to overcome the natural shyness, and somehow got carried away. For women, he came up with classification by classes: 1) Beautiful 2) pretty 3) interesting (huge noses), 4) "reprimanding parents" 5) for repeating - execution. In marriage, with his only wife preached absolute freedom. True just for yourself.

Josip Broz Tito

"My Russian wife is the main culprit that my son is hot with a hooligan and a gaping child; In domestic life (it) behaves immoral. "

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Marshal Tito, Life President of Yugoslavia, revolutionary, commander, Genius of the partisan war and dictator. Tito had impeccable manners, he was masterfully played chopin on the piano and, of course, women loved him very much. He is them, by the way, too. When Tito's fighting girlfriend, Gerta Haas, during the war he captured, he saved her, in the last day before executing excavating the German soldiers. But it was married, however, on the other.

Aristotle Obscis

"I even enjoy you should with a commercial benefit for yourself."

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Billionaire, shipowner and playboy Aristotle Finish is known most of all, as the last husband Jackie Kennedy, the widow of another great playboy. The Career of the Celebrator Aristotle began at 12, when he seduced by the French teacher. Further, Aristotle himself continued: he began with a laundry, then he moved to daughters of ship magnates, then became the lover of the Great Opera Singer of Mary Callas and, finally, her husband of one of the main women of the twentieth century - Mrs. Kennedy.

Oscar Wilde

"The love of a married woman is a great thing. Married men did not dream. "

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Oscar Wilde, poet, playwright, storyteller and narrator, is clearly divided into two halves. In the first, he, according to legend, seduced his wife of the Norwegian Prince, made four illegitimate children and married beauty. And then, after the beauty gave birth to two children and turned into a faded thread, as it happens, Oscar Wilde was disappointed in women and began to love young men with flexible tools. What he never forgiven himself.

Herbert Wells.

"Cycling is largely similar to Caring for a woman: the main role is played by self-confidence."

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The author of the "War of the Worlds" lived almost all his life with his second wife Jane (in fact she was called Emi Catherine, just Herbert loved to rename women), but he had mistresses all the time. He got acquainted with someone at the University, where he taught, with someone at the Socialist club, with someone - according to the correspondence, already being a famous writer. With some mistresses, he lived for a long time, while not breaking down a legitimate marriage and invariably returning to his wife, which, of course, knew everything.

And then the wife died, Wells at her funeral, as a wounded beast, and all over it.

Jean Paul Sartre

"Hell is others."

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One of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century was in love with Simona de Bovwar, the congestive mother of European feminism. They lived together, and they also had lovers and mistresses they shared. All this together was a "family" and it was, apparently, quite fascinating, though too dissipating.

Amadeo Modiganiani

"The most passionate ambition is, which is based on the pride of anonymity."

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Modigliani was a genius and lived in poverty. He slept with all his simulators, preferring girls simpler - laundry, cook, servant. However, the work was not limited to the laundry. Modigliani was well acquainted with sophisticated Anna Akhmatova, and at the end of his life lived with beauty Zhanna Ebutern, a student from a decent family. The latter was thrown out of the window a few days after the death of Amadeo, pregnant with his child.

Ernest Hamingway

"Woman losing the same way as you lose your battalion," because of the error in the calculations, the order that is impossible, and unthinkable difficult conditions. And yet - because of its stovety. "

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Friends Hamingui joked that for each new work he needed a new woman. It is believed that this joke is not so far from the truth. Researchers write five-status volumes about his love life. Ham himself argued that among his "victories" there were a spy of Mata Hari, Gangster's girl, the wife of the African leader, a few Italian countess and Greek princess. He had only four official women, he loved them to truly, but not very long.

Bertold Brecht

"A frivolous person who does not know the truth is expressing abstractly, highly and inaccurate."

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Young Bertold Brecht conquered women, as a tiger conquers prey (he considered himself a seek urban predator). And conquer, not only put in bed, but also seated for a writing desk. John Fueji researcher believed that Brecht used mistresses as literary slaves, and what exactly they wrote up to 90% of the texts of his plays. Of course, other researchers argue with him, but, nevertheless, everyone agrees that Zemsenavitnik Brecht actively enjoyed literary help of beautiful ladies.

Clark Gables

"The happiness of the men to know that when you return home in the evening, some kind of woman listens to your steps."

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William Clark Gableb was married five times and regularly changed all his wives. Vivien Lee, the partner of Gabl on the "Gone Wind" despised Clark for leaving the set of at six evenings as a bank clerk. For this he revenge on her, every time on the love scenes with kisses junctioned onions. So she certainly resulted in front of his charms.

Marchello Masthani

"My ideal was always Marilyn Monroe - a beautiful blonde with a bloom of vulgarity."

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In his youth, Masthani was not popular with women. But then he got married, succeeded - and began to change his wife Floore to the right and left, until she resigned with it and they were not "just friends." Masthani's mistresses were Fei Danaway, Catherine Denev, and, by rumors, Sophie Loren (although the actor himself always denied it). Some uncertainty in dealing with women, he retained to the very oldest - and, probably, that attracted them and attracted them.

Elvis Presley

"Girls are not a hobby. It is rather entertainment. "

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Elvis Presley lived for several years with his bride Priscilla, guarding her virginity to a wedding (as they met even the adulthood of the girl). At the same time, the whole road was actively entertained with fans. A hellish cocktail from world glory, monstrous wealth, stimulants, barbiturates and alcohol did not contribute to any family life, no reputation of sex giant, but the fans have sought the king again and again.

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