11 charming pets that can disappoint you


If, when choosing a partner, we look not only for appearance, but also on internal qualities, choosing a pet, for some reason forget that not all is gold, which glitters. Clear faces, great sad eyes, low-colored paws and funny tail deprive us every will. "WANT!" - We shout, press the fluffy to the chest and carry our lives in your home. We carry, absolutely not suspecting a trunk.


What could be bad lemurry? Endless, fluffy, plush such ... straight take it in the morning on the handles and pussy! But nothing of the kind. First, Lemur is a night beast: it dries all day, and after the sunset wakes up and requires meals. If you want your beast to be healthy and in Measure, you will need to heroically feed it at night. Secondly, Lemur is wildly capricient and that it does not eat. So you have to cook milk karya, as well as to take care of nutrient giant crickets and delicious flour worms, without which the lemurry scares and that-s. And not the fact that he agrees to the proposed diet. In such cases, the specialists recommend sprinkling the "tasteless" for the lemurry the food of the floral pollen. Are you ready to sprinkle with flour flower pollen? Yes? Then dare.

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In terms of the level of Mimmishi, the owls are comparable unless with the cats (and almost no one will compare). Such lagged, so touching, such with wings ... everything is so! But first, it will have to master the feeding of your large-sized petty pet (in the skin and hiatus) by mice or chickens, learn how to dig in the fact that the miracle schuchushka jershoot (for this there is a wonderful word - a piggy out), and at the same time that it falls from her under the miracle tail. Healthy rogging - healthy pet.

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Oh how pretty like a rich and how the fun minipig! Get ready for minipiga! We have nothing against. Should we want to warn - not all that mini that in infancy is small. You may not be lucky and instead of a six-kilogram pet, you will get a compound scattering size with a shepherd.

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Homemade Lisa

We'll buy, we are homemade, especially since there is a special "not wild" breed. This breed is really there, it is true. But the foxes are still not a dog. They cannot be exhausted, they do not understand the orders and do not forgive anyone who at least once they punished - they get into themselves and cease to come to contact. So, with a fox only on "you" and no familiarities. And still foxes linen. Therefore, you need to comb your house every day, otherwise your home will turn into Lisen Nora. By the way, the order in the house of Lionk is also a certain presentation. How do they represent him? Leave the fox one per hour, and understand how.

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Raccoon rods. So cool, especially when "erases." Which is still cool! You will understand this almost immediately when it learn to open the doors, cabinets, refrigerator and own aviary. And do not try to remove the valuable things "higher." For raccas, there is no "higher". As, however, there are no valuable things except the garbage bucket.

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What if you get asolotl? Silent, pleasant in appearance, small size and clean, because it lives in water. Compared to the raccoon - an angel, not a beast. True, sometimes this angel is hot. And then it is necessary to put a lot into the aquarium and ensure that the Kroch-Axolotl does not overheat. And this is nothing, but feeds the axolotl of finely chopped rainworms. He can, of course, to eat the meat, but the worms for him are delicacy. But so I want to pamper the pet delicious!

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Let's look at the volatile or gecko. Pretty lizards, unpretentious such. They do not need to choke anyone for dinner. For sure! Completely unpretentious. Swallow large cockroaches entirely, do not fade. Only at first it is necessary to sprinkle the cockroaches with a crowd chalk, and there they will consemine the zubluchiki themselves what to do. This is the most useful food for them. Well? Do you still want to start a dustfara?

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Then Penguin! They are so funny - just like people, only even better. In fact, penguins at home do not live! Is that, you have funds to a huge sea water pool, and there are also possible feeding your penguins with anchovies, sardines and shrimps. Alas, the dreams that Penguin will have a sprat and swim in the bath - utopia. It is sincerely sorry, sincerely.

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We want meerkat! Because the meerkats are funny, and they know how to stand on the hind legs with all their friendly family. Unfortunately, at the expense of the family noticed incredibly accurately. Meerkats live with colonies, so immediately count on a couple, or even a dozen. And no aviary. Meerkat - the beast is free! For complete happiness, he needs a sandbox to dig and enjoy life. Ready to put in the living room sandbox for a dozen meerkat? Yes? Then this is your beast.

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And what if ... and what if ... And if Skuns !!!

Well, why not? No worse than the rest. Even better if you remove the odorous glands in early childhood. Miley animals. Skoddy like raccoons. Capricious like lemurs. Love sleep in one bed with the owner as minipigations. Almost omnivorous as Axolotley. We so understand that they are no longer scared with chopped worms, sleepless nights do not embarrass the sand scattered around the house, do not dissuade ... Creation of Skuns! We approve!

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