10 phrases that can not speak girlfriend, just a fearful with a guy


There is no woman who has never thrown a favorite. And there are practically no women to which in such a situation would not have come a compassional girlfriend with ton terribly useful advice, a carriage of extremely wise thoughts and a truck of very relevant issues. Do you want to turn into this very "multiple girlfriend"? Then remember 10 phrases that are categorically not suitable for expressing sympathy.

You will be better without it

Yah? Actually, I am already much better. Because I want to strangle you with your idiotic remarks, and anger distracts anyway from high suffering.

Maybe he will come back to you

Thank you for throwing my unhealthy fantasies. I sold me the stage of denial, baby, because then I will suffer much longer.

Oh ... And if I come tomorrow for your birthday with my boyfriend, will it be uncomfortable for you?

Well what are you! I will be delighted with your sales manager touching you in a neck. Happy couples around me - the best painor. You can even have sex in my bathroom.

Let me go to the dating site - find you someone in five minutes!

Listen, I have a bottle of vinegar near me next to the sink. Bring, please - I now really wanted to drink it. Volley.

If you lie on the sofa - it will not help

But this is the only thing that helps! I want to lie on the sofa, eat ice cream and watch "Sweet November." And also "Titanic", "Beauty" and something about how everyone died.

You know, I envy you: only when a woman is alone, she has time for himself, beloved

Seriously? So go and throw your manager.

Oh, well, what kind of life is this, and the head of me, the head of the "couple" by nature grabbed, imagine?

OK, let's play the game "Whose life is terrible." You win.

Who is she? Does someone have anyone? Guys do not go into emptiness

I did not think about it, but thank you. The following months are three, plus-minus, I will only think about it.

Men make you suffer only when you let them do it

Wait, I will write. I will need to reproduce this nugget of wisdom when your manager will quit.

Horrible! You were the perfect pair!

Of course. And now I will go, jump into the sewer and choose there to death there.

Yes, abandoned girlfriends are not the simplest interlocutors. Do you still want to know if you can have something in such a situation? Sperance. But it is better not to say anything. It is better to just listen.

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