10 species of animals that do not want to die out


Among the incredible variety of living beings on Earth there are several such species who live here knows how much, and nothing is done with them. Everyone knows about some of them, about others - very few, but all these "old olds from evolution" unites one thing: whatever happens on the planet for all this time, they did not extinct, no matter what.


Fucking and saw something not all. And it is found little where. And it looks like a beaver with a swine straw. With all this, the exhaust - the beast is incredibly brazen - eats almost anything, and in any quantities, sometimes we eat as much as weighs himself. Since the ecological functions of the outcround are successfully duplicated by other animals, one can only assume that it survived it solely due to their own similarity from the pig - both in relation to the nose and with respect to moral installations.

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Cystic fish

The problem with cilapiest fish is exactly one: they were considered extinct, until one of them managed to once and got caught in the network of fishermen. By the way, they are called "cyzer" at all at all by chance - this is the appearance from which it is believed to be hardly the exit of fish on land and gradually transformation into amphibians.

One of the ancient relatives of the cyzer, gaining oxygen under water, on the fins went ashore and there was a mionem with one known targets. In essence, we are all obliged to these fish, as we are their very distant descendants. But here to meet face to face with Prasrat, who has long been numerical in the extinct environment, turned out to be a big surprise for humanity.

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With a medieval trustiary hero, has a body of beaver, duck beak, carrying eggs, and feeds the cubized milk. In essence, it represents a kind of transitional link between dinosaurs and mammals, and, like any respectful transitional link, it would have long had to measure as unnecessary.

But the breakdown from this holy duty disagreement is the fact that Australia (the Motherland of Utricosov) has been addressed for some time from the remaining continents, between which there were temporary or constant crossings. As a result, it turned out that there are no conditions, because of which such a kind of as sunkos, would have to leave the scene. Therefore, he still dwells on it, and in the beak, by the way, does not blow.

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The Midhoga was on our list for the same reason as Wrockos - she is a typical representative of the so-called transitional species. This fish is something average between invertebrate and vertebral. She has no spine, but there is a tube called chord, and still in the minors quite successfully combine the features of fish and worm.

Exactly, as well as our featherboard, the Linego should have died out, because their niche was taken by fish. However, this did not happen. Apparently, the addiction to the Far Eastern kitchen in some species is a sufficient evolutionary basis.

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Kiwi saved the same as the rest - geographical isolation from all beings that could have done with her at least somehow. Once at least a regular homemade cat, Ptakhh would not have a chance: she is huge, droveless, does not know how to fly, and, it is necessary to admit it, quite stupid.

The average Murzik would simply go crazy from such a freebie (the story is already known when the usual home cat alone destroyed a whole view of birds in Australia in the era of her colonization). A similar anomaly would never have gone off the hands of any other bird in any other part of the world - but the New Zealanders, as you know, the law is not written.

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Jellyfish is the so-called terrestrial. Some of them are so huge that several trucks can accommodate. Other poisonous, and even turn out to be murderers in the story about Sherlock Holmes. The most striking in jellyfish is that they are the only creatures on the planet, which, despite all their primitiveness, not only do not die, but do not even die.

At a certain point, the jellyfish just starts the young, and then grow old again. And no one knows how many times a separate jellyfish can throw this number. It is possible that some of the existing jellyfish are the same as they swam in the ocean during dinosaurs.

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Sharks are one of the most ancient creatures on the planet. They were among the first fish, and therefore their spine more reminds cartilage, and not bone. Some sharks are miles, harmless and breakfast with marine plants, others become the main villains in horror films and do not have breakfast than. But, nevertheless, all these villains and milyag unites one thing: they are much worse than all other fish. And nothing sharpets are done from this, although in fact their time has long passed.

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Skates are, perhaps, the only squad of fish, which is even more primitive and is incomparable than sharks. They still retained their ancient habit - to pick up what lies badly, and not to extract themselves in an honest evolutionary match. Perhaps, precisely because of its comparative peacefulness, as well as the ability to pass through the likely enemy a significant electric current, they managed to reach our days.

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Of course, you think the dinosaurs are extinct and completely in vain. A fairly widespread belief that dinosaurs are certainly huge lizards who are with pleasure to turn the megacities, in essence of their mistake.

Already at sunset, the epochs of dinosaurs in their environment were creatures, which, unlike their fellow, could fly, for which feathers appeared on their skin. Now you can freely feed these dinosaurs with bread, or swollen in the park, you will be tired of tired of their incessant knot. And you can easily eat a couple of dinosaur eggs grilled in a pan.

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Chano "Brachiopod" translates from Greek as "Plechen". By the way, there are a lot of playproofs very stupid - as a rule, it is a huge mollusk sink, which sticks out the feet of the mushroom. Brachiopods occupy the bottom of the oceans without a small 500,000,000 years. Throughout all these five hundred million years, nothing interesting was happening to them with them.

From the day when they arose to the present, there were plecheogies only one: they died. The extinction of brachiopods is so slow and majestic that it is formed to write a solemn anthem. Somewhere on them the epochs are changing, continents are faced, and the continents are changed, the glacial periods replace each other, new stars are born and die. And Brachiopods all this time simply stick out of the bottom of the ocean and filter water with royal leisureness.

Perhaps the shoulder has a higher purpose ... Although, no. You just look at them. What else is the purpose?!

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