26 ways to improve your dog's life


Teeth cleaning

The dog hates hates brushing his teeth? Let her do it herself! It is enough to squeeze a little dog toothpaste on her toy, best - a rope loop. A small problem: Toothpaste will be a smooth layer of smeared all over the apartment, but this is a matter of life.

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Delicious pills

To give a dog medicine, make a delicious case for him. Check the dough from one egg and a glass of flour, roll the balls, squeeze the core (where then it will be necessary to lay the tablets) - and dry in the oven. Such "koloboki" will like the dog much more than the disgusting procedure for plowing pills into the mouth of the tongue.

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Homemade delicacies

Prepare a dog delicacy for training is easier than simple. Remove the chicken breast, put it on small pieces, put in the oven on the oil-smeared baking sheet and tear at a temperature of about a hundred degrees a couple of hours. Such incentive prizes can be stored in the freezer for a couple of weeks.

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Leash with two carbines

Wear a second carbine on a leash - with it you can fasten the dog anywhere, without tie a heap of stupid and absolutely unreliable knots.

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Cleaning carpet

The dog ran the carpet? Put it with food soda. Water absorbed into soda, and it will be possible to assemble the vacuum cleaner.

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"Slow" food

The ball in a bowl with food will make the dog eating slower. There is quickly harmful, even for animals.

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Eternal ball

Dogs love to gut soft toys. In the end, they are predators. But instead of constantly buying new victims, you can take a plastic lattice ball (they are sold in pet stores) and fill it with rags. Whenever a wonderful creation goes back to the toy, the rag can be collected and shove back.

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Bouillon with poisoning

It happens that the dog poisoned, or she just has a stomach disorder and dehydration. In this situation, it is worth adding a little chicken broth to her into the water.

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Kettle for water procedures

Is my dog ​​shampoo? Wash off the kettle, then the water will not fall into the face. The disgust of the dog to wash will be slightly less, it will wash it slightly easier.

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Furniture cleaning

Wool from furniture Conveniently deleted, if you want rubber or latex gloves. Then all these hair that cannot be assembled will stick to the hands. Magic!

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Dog Shelf

On the shelves for the bathroom it is convenient to store all the dog junk. Food fit here, and accessories for a walk.

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Storage of feed

The dog is better stored in a plastic jug. First, it is so convenient to pour it out, and, secondly, it does not exhale.

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Dog ice cream

For a special occasion, you can pamper the pets to ice cream: throw dog food in chicken broth and freeze.

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Escape preventing collar

Little dog, fence with large cells: excellent ingredients for escape. Or not if you have a special breaking. Her, by the way, can also be made independently.

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Towel during a thunderstorm

The dog is afraid of thunderstorms? Wipe it with a towel. Perhaps it is just static electricity delivers her discomfort.

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Swimming pool in Zhar.

Dogs have a very weak thermoregulation, they suffer from heat. Icewater inflatable pool (yes, and with ice, and with clarops) can greatly facilitate her life.

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Dilute the dog shampoo in proportion of 1 share of shampoo to 4 pieces of water. And save, and wash it will be easier.

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Car Hamak

Such a hammock decides several problems at once. Safety - the dog does not fall when cutting braking. The safety of the automotive upholstery - the dog does not scratch it with claws. Washing - if the dog is strongly instructed. Hamamak can be bought or constructed from the old blanket itself.

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Dangerous products

The 10 most dangerous substances for the dog that should never be given under any circumstances: alcohol, chocolate, garlic, green potatoes and its sprouts, sugar, apricot and peach bones, onions, grapes and raisins, mushrooms, yeast dough.

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Removal of ticks

To remove the tick, drop the liquid soap on the machine and cover the parasite in this vat. He must get out of himself and staying in Vatka. Have those in mind: In the middle strip of Russia after the bite of a tick, the dog should immediately show the veterinarian, is a great chance that it sick with piroplasmosis.

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Cleaning wool

Wool from the carpet is perfectly removed with a brush for washing windows.

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Apple Dessert.

Another option ice cream for dogs: freeze pieces of apples in chicken broth.

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Sign language

Teach the dog's language to understand the pet correctly

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Parsley instead of mint cheese

A little parsley in a bowl with food - and from the mouth of the dog stinks much less.

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Late walks

Dogs suffer from heat and hot stones and asphalt, so hot in summer or walk with them at dawn and after sunset, or look for areas with soft earth and grass in the shade.

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We read the label

Learn to correctly read dog feed labels. If in the name of the feed, the honorable first place is occupied by the "meat" word, then this meat in this product should be at least 95%. For example, if the product is called "beef for dogs", then it must be beef. If the names of the feed are found by the words "lunch", "snack", "mixture", then the meat ingredient in the product will be contained at least 25%. The preposition "C" on the package means that this ingredient is at least 3%.

Buy "food for dogs, with beef", and your dog will not understand whether meat was there. The words "tasteful" in the name of the product are practically deprived of his meat. For such products, only a hint of meat in feed is sufficient. "Food for dogs with flavors of beef" just smells with beef, which is usually achieved by using meat broths when prepared.

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Pillow of jeans

Make a pillow of old jeans, and your dog will always sleep on your knees.

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