Parent will not teach good


The first half of life is cultivated on stereotypes - so that we tried to free yourself with the help of a psychotherapist with the help of a psychotherapist. We suggest to save our children a little money and time, and try to grow them free from stupid conventions. Moreover, it is not so difficult, as it seems.

With pink - right, with blue - left

Do you really think that the girl makes the girl a pink skirt, and the boy is a blue cap? Or what boys do not cry, and girls do not climb trees? They certainly stop doing it if they prohibit. For reliability, you can even give the girl a doll to which she has no interest, and the boy is a pistol instead of his beloved horse. Even more effective - to protect the girl from all technical, and the boy is from all everyday.

What horror will happen if the girl will gather the cards and once squeezes the ass to the Vettel, and the boy, the Lord bursts, fit the doll. What will happen to him? He can grow ... Father!

Gender stereotypes are one of the most abnormal and harmful. Do not limit the child on the basis of false ideas that boys and girls are two different universes. No good scientific research confirmed that the male brain is inclined to search for the integral and abstractions, and the female is sharpened for cleaning and wiping pop.

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Strange interests

A child without squeezing brings up a personally produced triton, builds a snow monument to Gulum and his sweet fish, and for the new year it is dressed up with a vampire? Grandma Instead of Skihar burns Bram Stoker at the cottage, mumbling: "Psychopaths are growing, incentive ..."?

Missing interests and a big difference is that the concept of "beauty" is filled depending on age, often forces adults to ban chad "be so." Children's interests are declared unsuitable, and the child itself is poor and subject to laying in the procrusteo bed of social expectations.

The family tirelessly maters "the right child", and as a result and an unhappy adult, who is unlikely to give something useful society. After all, progress moves new ideas and non-standard moves. And not at all the desire to comply with the rules to take you and stroked the head for the fact that you are the same as everyone. Gray, tedious, frightened.

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Dangerous games

Bonfires, descents with aqualung in a well, parachutes from the sheets and Tarzanka over a cliff ... It's all really dangerous. Especially when the parent stretches for the fellowland and prohibits everything-all. Adults are easier to prohibit matches, than to spend a few hours to teach safe dilution of the fire, and you can understand them - we are all living people and periodically want us to simply behind us.

And nevertheless this is the very case when it is impossible to inactivate. It is much more profitable to quit the bonfire for the fire from a safe place to show the danger of this action than to rush to surgery with an independently lying on the ice finger and inquisitive, but very pale child. Do not prohibit, but to teach approach the dangerous on the right side - here is an important lesson that should be learned at once to two generations.

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Useless skills

Parent often believes that the child should be busy exclusively useful, developing activities. As a result, most of us willingly encourages the fact that there will once bring dividends and justifies the time spent, and refers to contempt for useless children's classes. In each curve, we want to see the hand of the primitivist artist, in every sandy cake - the design of the architect, or designer. Otherwise, why is it all?

And this is all - to strengthen the confidence that you can give the world to your own. And it doesn't matter that it will be a stupid paper snake, a sloppy collage or a march performed on pots. It is important that this confidence is what your grieving child will be able to rely in the future. And then he will not turn into a writer, who grinds the great romance from fear for 20 years to present him to the world, a imperfect or talented photographer, which for some reason removes exclusively "for itself."

Or even if it does not hatch genius. This is not so important. Let him write an incredibly mediocre story and will make the most boring pictures in the world, in any case communication with the world in his own language will bring him a lot of fun. And this pleasure is the thing that cannot be lost in any way. Just can not and all.

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