10 products that (theoretically) will never ruin


10 products that (theoretically) will never ruin 15908_1

Before the next time, overdue products from the refrigerator and the kitchen cabinet, it should be found that for certain products, the expiration date on the label is actually very alleged. Some food practically does not deteriorate or at least can be stored for years.

The likelihood that really need to store food for so long, is small, if only not to prepare by the end of the world. So, we give examples of 10 products whose shelf life is almost not limited.

1. Galets

If someone read the old stories about pioneers-pioneers and researchers, he probably knows what dicks, which were also called "sea breads" and "crackers for pilots". They were often taken on long trips, and also issued soldiers in a daily soldering world around the world. Usually people dip galley in tea or coffee, because they are quite easy to break their teeth, trying to spray them.

But how many galota can be stored? Some say they can be edible for hundreds of years. In Denmark, a Galeta of 1852 was exhibited in the Marine Museum of the Kronborg, which still did not mold out and did not break into the dust. Thus, it is possible to be sure that if you get tall, they are enough to the end of life. And if the apocalypse still happens, and the survivors are stuck in the underground bunker for several generations, maybe they could even convey these galley to their grandchildren.

2. White Figure

Rice is easy to cook, it is satisfying and from it you can do delicious dishes. Everyone knows that brown rice is much more useful and nutritious, but it is stored only 4-6 months, after which it flies. So, if you want to save money and make reserves in the storeroom for decades, you need to choose a white rice.

When the white rice is stored in a dry cool place in a hermetically container, it is believed that it remains quite suitable for 30 years. Some even assume that if the white rice is stored in the refrigerator or freezer, it can remain fresh forever. Rice is easy to purchase in bulk, and it can be found in most grocery stores and supermarkets. Of course, there will be no electricity in the apocalyptic scenario to save your for several generations. But in the "standard" emergency, such as a blizzard or a hurricane, it is very useful.

3. Twinkie.

It has long been rumored that twinkie biscuits are something like cockroaches in the world of food. This means that they will simply survive even after a nuclear catastrophe. Well, in fact it is only half the truth. According to Hostess Foods, the official storage period of Twinkie is 45 days, and it longer than any other snacks. Nevertheless, many people kept twinkie in their storerooms for many years. And the drunk try to try to report that after the official date of the expiration date, these biscuits still have a wonderful taste.

In American Blue Hill in school called the Academy of George Stevens there is a TWinkie packaging, which is stored since 1976. When the hermetic package was opened, it turned out that he looks quite edible.

4. SPAM.

Of course, on the territory of the former USSR, there are fewer fans of salted meat canned foods called Spam, compared to America, some people love them so much that they eat every day. In Hawaii SPAM has become a significant part of the culture. They are usually eaten together with scrambled eggs and rice as a dense breakfast. During World War II, American soldiers who were posted in Hawaii, spam spam, because these canned food should not be stored in a cold place, as well as they have a huge shelf life. In the period from 1941 to 1945, Hormel Foods sent 15 million cans by the Union forces around the world every week.

On its official website HORMEL basically hints that their canned meat can be stored forever. Manufacturers claim: "The product is always safe for use until the seal remains intact and securely attached. However, the taste and freshness of the product gradually begin to decline three years after the date of manufacture. "

5. Alcohol

If the world really comes the end, and the surviving people will be hidden in underground bunkers, they simply may be needed to drink. Fortunately, strong alcoholic beverages are stored forever. Distilled alcoholic beverages, such as whiskey, gin, rum, tequila and vodka, will serve the whole life if they are sealed. It is just necessary to remember that creamy liqueurs are not stored for a very long time, as they contain dairy products. Those. It is better to prefer strong drinks. It is also worth remembering that alcohol will be needed for disinfection of objects and cleaning of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Wine also tends to actually gain the best taste with age, provided that it is correctly closed and stored in the right place. It should be borne in mind that only sealed bottles can be stored for several years in a cool, dark and dry place. But if it comes with a screw cap, the wine will eventually turn into vinegar, because oxygen can leak through the lid. If someone is not sure as an old wine, you just need to sniff for it before drinking.

6. Soluble coffee

If someone does not represent the morning without coffee, what to do if the end of the world comes. After all, Starbucks will not be. But fans of caffeine are lucky because soluble coffee can be stored from 2 to 20 years at room temperature. And if you store it in the refrigerator or freezer, then the coffee will last until the end of life.

Those who drink coffee with sugar, it is worth knowing that the granular white sugar is stored for about 2 years at air temperature and presumably forever, if you keep it in a hermetic, cool place. But cream in powder stretches for only 18-24 months.

7. Makarona

Who does not like macaroni? Many people eat them several times a week, and they clearly will not mind the continuation of this lifestyle in the event of an emergency. Dry pasta appear as "eternal" food in many lists of "food at the end of the world" on the Internet. But before you get into the grocery store to buy spaghetti boxes in bulk, it is worth keeping in mind that they will be stored only 2-3 years in the storeroom.

Yes, of course, three years is a lot of time to keep food, but this is not "eternity." The shelf life can be increased to 8-10 years, if the vermiscel is hermetically pack and stored in a dry cool place. Nevertheless, with canned tomatoes or tomato sauce for macaroni is not lucky. The shelf life of the unopened cans of tomato sauce is only 18-24 months.

8. Peummican

It would seem why dried meat was not mentioned. It turns out that the sluggish beef will last only 1-2 years. But the indigenous Americans found out many years ago how to maintain meat in the invenue "Peummican". The secret of his longevity is that fat fat and dried meat mixed together and dried berries.

Today, when people are more careful about their health, eat a piece of fat do not seem too attractive idea, but Pembican became very popular among men selling furs in North America, as well as among the Arctic researchers who could not find plants over long periods of time wild animals for food. Fat consumption is important for maintaining a high energy level, and in most cases pemmicica was vital food.

It is argued that pemmicic is stored from 3 to 5 years at room temperature and up to 20 years, if stored in the refrigerator. So, in fact, the Arctic researchers who traveled at a temperature below zero, could carry the peummic with them as much as they need.

9. Dry milk

Real cow's milk is usually stored in the refrigerator just about two weeks. Dry milk with full fat content is stored from 2 to 5 years, and skimmed milk powder - up to 25 years.

As with any other subject in this list, its shelf life increases, if you store it in a dry, cold place, preferably in the refrigerator. But it is worth keeping in mind that this applies only to dry milk, and not to dry baby food, which will extend only one year. In no case cannot give the child a mixture of expired, because it may have serious consequences.

10. Med.

But honey, perhaps, can really be stored forever. Clay pots with honey were found in the ancient Egyptian pyramids, and it turned out that he still has a wonderful taste even thousands of years after the pots sealed. The secret of the eternal shelf life of honey is the high content of sugar. It also has a very sour Wednesday, so the bacteria simply do not have the opportunity to multiply.

Honey has long been known as "super food", because it has a multitude of properties beneficial to health. It has a lot of antioxidants, it helps to suppress coughing, and even it is proved that honey helps heal wounds and burns. And, of course, this product is simply tasty, so it will help make all the other dishes are more delicious.

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