How kisses affect health


How kisses affect health 15898_1

At all times, people kissed, expressing their feelings or good intentions. But, as it turns out such an occupation as kissing is not only pleasant, but also very useful. This has already been proven by scientists of the whole world, thanks to numerous observations and sociological research.

So, what useful properties have a kiss?

Property 1.

The main and most merit of this lesson is longevity. As you know, those who love this case live for ten years longer than those who do not kiss.

Property 2.

Another kiss takes off and prevents stress and raises the mood as a whole. This is due to the fact that during the act of a kiss, hormones of happiness are born in the human body - endorphins. It is because of their presence in the blood, a person becomes cheerful and less amenable to the influence of negative factors.

Property 3.

And the Japanese scientists and doctors made a wonderful discovery. Its essence is that the kiss is a strong natural anti allergenic agent. A person who loves kissing, the body is less than the effects of allergens.

Property 4.

In addition to all of the above, kisses are able to reduce or completely thicken the pain. If a strong headache is tormented or painted, then a kiss will come to help. This action does not require cash costs, does not take a lot of time and effort, and the main thing has no side effects or contraindications (as medicinal products). A good kiss of passion will significantly reduce the strong painful sensations or a small annoying pain. Such an effect is due to the same endorphine, which is released into saliva.

Property 5.

Prevents heart disease and reduces the risk of such a disease as a heart attack and lung disease. Even with the most common kiss, the rate of reduction of heart muscles increases. And therefore, blood begins to flee on the veins faster. And blood, as you know, supplies the organism with oxygen. In this regard, the number of breaths increases by 2-3 times. It ventures the lungs and makes a good healing heart. And with a long kiss, a decrease in cholesterol in the blood occurs and blood pressure decreases.

This is still not all the benefits of kisses. Here are only the most basic positive properties of this not cunning, but such a pleasant occupation. But they will be enough to start loving kissing with loved ones.

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