10 curious facts about dairy products


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Today on the shelves of supermarkets you can find a stunningly a variety of dairy products. Various manufacturers are experimenting with the creation of all new and new products, from the "cosmic" yogurt to cheese grown to the music. We give examples of the most unusual or bizarre facts associated with dairy products.

1. Chocolate milk with sunny jamaica

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Every year in fast foods of New York is sold 60 million cups of chocolate milk. And it is not even counting sales in supermarkets, cafes or vending machines. It turns out that this popular drink invented one person. It was Hans Sloan - Botanist from Ireland. At the beginning of the 1700s, he worked on Jamaica and it was there for the first time I tried Cocao, which he was offered the locals. He found a drink "nauseous" and mixed it with milk. As a result, when Sloan returned to England, he entered the story as a chocolate milk inventor. However, this is not accurate.

Historian Jame Delbugo noted that Yamaica cooked a drink from cocoa, milk and cinnamon in 1494. It is also likely that the first inventors of such a drink could live at all thousands of years ago. In the end, the earliest mention of chocolate dates back to 350 BC, and it is difficult to believe that no one ever tried to add it to the milk.

2. What is milk

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In 2018, a scandal flared out in the dairy industry. The USA and US drug control (FDA) has decided that any vegetable liquids cannot be called the term "milk". In particular, such a product was most affected as soy milk, as well as under threat all products using milk substitutes. Now manufacturers of substitutes are trying to defend their products, proving that many people love dairy products, but they have allergies on them. And soy milk and similar alternatives allow people with lactose intolerance or those who lead a vegan lifestyle, enjoy dairy products.

3. 3-D-printed cheese

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3D print has become a new trend, and today people are trying to print literally anything. Therefore, an attempt to print cheese was only a matter of time. Process 3-D Printing includes squeezing material, such as a gel or pasta, through the nozzle to give the subject of the necessary form. Considering the ability of cheese to move from a solid state into a plastic, and then into solid, it is almost the perfect material for the printer. The ingredients of the melted cheese were heated to 75 degrees Celsius for several minutes, and then the molten mass was signed through the printer syringe. As a result, the melted cheese appeared, similar to the usual, but for some reason it is darker and 49% softer. It was elastic even in solid state. Unfortunately, until experienced samples were not very good.

4. "Present" milk without cows

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Milk substitutes are usually obtained from almonds, rice and soybeans. The problem is that there is a lot of water for this process. For example, for the production of almond milk, about 5 liters of water are needed. In 2016, one company created something that could replace both the real dairy products and its substitutes. And the most remarkable discovery is that the resulting fluid consists of dairy proteins. But instead of getting these proteins from milk, the researchers have developed a strain of yeast, which turns sugar into a casin of dairy squirrel.

The taste is "milk" should be as a real and cost approximately as much. The difference is that it does not contain lactose and cholesterol, and can also boast of all nutrients of ordinary milk. In the manufacture of this product, it is 84% ​​less carbon, than traditional dairy farms, as well as in an innovative process, is used by 98 percent less water. And finally - since artificial milk is created in the laboratory, then there is no need for huge land plots for farms.

5. Fire in the tunnel

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In 2013, with the usual delivery of cheese, a strange incident appeared. The truck transported 30 tons of Brunist - Norwegian cheese, which is considered a delicacy. It is valued for the unusual sweet taste and brown, similar to caramel. When the truck drove into the tunnel brutley in Northern Norway, for an unknown reason the car caught fire, and the driver threw it in the tunnel. 30 tons of goat cheese burned for five days.

Poisonous gases were so tightly filled the tunnel that the firefighters simply could not enter it. Due to the damage caused by fire, the tunnel had to close for several months. There are few people know about it, but cheese is an extremely flammable product, and Brunest and at all - very fuel. It contains more sugar than most other cheeses, as well as up to 30 percent of fat, so burning like gasoline. Burning cheese can not be pouring simple water, and only powder fire extinguishers of class K. will help.

6. Vaginal yogurt

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In 2015, the researcher of Cecilia Westbrook decided to make yogurt, using bacteria from her own vagina. Westbrook wipe his crotch with a wooden spoon and left her overnight in a bowl with milk. The resulting yogurt was tasted sharp and acidic and tingled the language. All this sounds insanely, but Westbrook realized that there were still no research on the huge number of bacteria that live in the vagina. Only studies have been conducted by the benefits of health bowel bacteria. However, some microbiologists argue that vaginal bacteria may have much more useful properties. Perhaps in the future, such a "yogurt" will be sold even in pharmacies.

7. Cooking plan for the destruction of margarine

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When France was invented by Margarine in 1869, it became a cheap alternative to butter. In the United States, the new product gained such popularity that dairy farmers decided to fight back. They began a whole anti-plastic campaign, arguing that margarine is harmful to health, it causes mental illness and threatens moral order.

And "the worst" that he "threatens the American lifestyle." The statements of the campaign on dubious sources of the ingredients of Margarin were so successful that the Law on Margarine was 1886, and then other similar laws that were examper than manufacturers in excessive taxes. It almost destroyed the margarine industry. In the end, the law was canceled, Margarine survived, but "the siphel remained", so most people still prefer oil Margarine.

8. Space yogurt

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In 2006, on board the next rocket, took off from the Baikonur cosmodrome, there was an unusual cargo - two strains of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus Paracasei used in the production of dairy products. It was expected that cosmic radiation acting on bacteria, somehow improve the taste and effect on the immune system of the yogurt, from which they will be made. After 10 days in orbit, almost half of bacteria died, and the remaining subsequently used to produce yogurt. Himawari Dairy claims that the "cosmic yogurt" turned out with a more distinct taste than "ordinary".

9. Music cheese

In 2018, Bit Wempfler probably seemed crazy. The veterinarian who made cheese in his free time shared with the professor of the University of Arts by Michael Harenberg the idea that the music could affect cheese. As a result, an experiment was raised - nine circles of Cheese Emmental were matured in the basement for six months. Each circle was placed in his box and during this time was overwhelmed under his continuously losing melody.

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"Rocker Cheese" "listened" "Ladder to Heaven" LED Zeppelin. "Classic Cheese" was agreed by the "magic flute" of Mozart, "Techno-cheese" - under the "UV" VRIL. Other cheeses were influenced by individual sounds or matured in silence. The most delicate taste was the "hip-hop of cheese", which "listened" a Tribe Called Quest.

10. Cocking Milk - Superproduct of the Future

To feed the growing population of the planet, non-standard thinking is necessary. In 2016, researchers paid their attention to cockroaches. Although cockroaches are not the most delightful and appetizing thing, their type of Diploptera Punctate can cope with the problem of world famine. The thing is that this type of cockroaches will feed their young milk protein crystals.

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This single crystal has three times more energy than a buffalo milk, which is nutritious cow's milk. Since milking cockroaches are impossible, scientists have allocated genes behind the production of crystals. Now these genes and crystallized milk are trying to recreate in the laboratory. It is worth it because the crystals are full-fledged food that contains fats, sugar and proteins, as well as all essential amino acids.

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