8 products that all the years have fired wrong


8 products that all the years have fired wrong 15877_1

Everyone is confident that apples can eat, but it turns out that it is not. Back in November 2013, Youtube Channel FoodBeast published a video called "How to eat an apple, like a boss", and it quickly became viral. In the video, it is shown that instead of taking the apple to the side, as all this is done (which leads to a loss of approximately 30 percent of the fruit), it is worth it from the bottom towards the cutting.

But apples are not the only food that everyone is used to eat wrong.

1. Pancakes

Water the stack of pancakes from above with syrup or sour cream ineffective: the upper dam is completely splashing, and those that are in the middle will remain completely dry. The decision is that you need to do the hole in the middle of the stack so that the syrup poured on them is evenly distributed over the pancakes.

2. Sandwiches with butter and jam

Surely, there is no such person who ate a similar sandwich and at the same time not drunk jam on a table or clothing. But there is a way to make such a "boutique" so that no drops. I must first smear it with oil, and then make a sideline from the oil on the sides (better peanut, if there is no allergies). Jam pour into the resulting "bath".

3. Oranges

If there is a knife at hand, then it is not necessary to clean oranges. You can neatly cut off the tips of the orange, and then make an incision on one of its sides (about the middle). Voila - an orange yummy just unfold like a fan with a number of slices.

4. Grenades

This fruit is less difficult to clean if you use a bowl with water. First you need to cut the pomegranate on the quarter, then immerse it in cold water and disassemble it on the grain. Finally, the contents of the bowl must be skipped through a colander (membranes that hold seeds will pop up to the surface).

5. Pistachios

Never break your nails trying to open a pistachio! To do this, you just need to use the shell of another pistachio.

6. Camps

Surely, everyone thinks that it is impossible to eat cupcake with creamy toping, not blurring the nose in the cream. Everything is simple - cut off approximately half of the cake from below and put this part on the cream from above, the construction of a kind of "sandwich". The probability will get dirt will be minimal.

7. Taco or Shawarma in a solid leg

Taco with the changed hardened pita tend to fall apart, pouring out the stuffing out. Condem simply - you need to wrap around another softer pellet of the pita. Meat and vegetables will fall into it, and not on clothes.

8. Banana

Most people begin to clean the banana from the end where the stem is located. It is wrong - you need to start cleaning it from the peel from the opposite end, so the pulp will remain less internal peel layer.

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