10 interesting secrets that are hidden in Harry Potter


10 interesting secrets that are hidden in Harry Potter 15870_1

The whole series of books and films about Harry Potter is full of secrets and questions unanswered. How can I find maglogged. How they appear on the light of their parents without a drop of magical abilities. Who are accepted in Hogwarts and why. What saw Dumbledore, standing with Harry in front of a mirror Einelling. Where did the huge state of Harry come from, etc. We will try to reveal some of these secrets.

1. Accessory book

In the Castle, Hogwarts have many carefully protected secrets and tricks - from moving stairs to fake doors and to hundreds (possibly, and thousands) enchanted portraits. Nevertheless, the most protected secret (and the secret that answers many questions about the world of Harry Potter) is a "access book". The book knows when a wizard or a wizard is born, even in maghos. When these children show a sufficient magic talent (sometimes at birth, sometimes not earlier than seven years, and sometimes even later), the reception pen can enter their names to the book, allowing it to enter Hogwarts if they wish.

2. Magmonded half-breeding

Everyone who read or watched Harry Potter, sooner or later the question arose: how maglords receive their magic. Apparently, the answer was hiding right "under the nose" all the time: in all cases they originate from the squibs. When the squibs are born (people born in the family of wizards are born, but completely devoid of magical abilities), they are sent to live among Maglians, if it is found that they have no magic. They marry the Maglags and transmit their genes. After a few generations, the magic gene "floats to the surface" and the parent-male-magli appears in the parents. Many in the magical community assume that the magloves appear by chance. However, the magic gene can simply hide during generations before unexpectedly manifest. Some of the most famous magloves are Mirtl's Plaks, Lily Evans (Harry's mother) and Hermione Granger.

3. Dambledor's desire

Harry was not the only one who was often drawn to the "Einelling Mirror" (which, by the way, means "desire" written by the ass in advance). Albus Dumbledore spent a lot of nights, looking into the mirror and not always engaged in a philosophical stone. Nevertheless, when Harry asked Dumbledore that he saw in the mirror, he lied, claiming that he saw himself in a pair of thick woolen socks. So, that he really saw. According to Joan Rowling, he just saw his family, alive and healthy. Sad, but understandable desire, taking into account the missing demise of his parents and sisters.

4. Wealth Harry

Harry is incredibly rich. His storage in "Gringotts" is risen in the mountains of gold and silver height from a 11-year-old boy. But where did it all come from. It turns out that Harry is so rich, because his family has created several well-known medicinal and cosmetic potions, namely the Bodropra potion, the firefish and the drug "Prost-Trequest" who brought unheard of profits. In fact, Flonont Potter, the inventor and the first distributor of the "Prospect", increased the family state four times. According to books, the fire is restored by the bones, the vigorous potion treats a cold or flu, and "Pros-Toples" turns even fluffy dismissed Hermione hair into soft and silky.

5. Primary School for Wizards

So, what do children-wizards do to Hogwarts. Maybe they just sit and wait to go there for the study of magic. And maybe they are allowed to do everything they want. Not! In fact, most of their childhood they are carried out for obtaining basic education from their parents and brothers and sisters. J. Rowling says that the children of wizards are well versed in three main objects (reading, letter and arithmetic) even before admission to Hogwarts.

6. Children are blunting

Filted by many Werewolf Rimus Lupine was absolutely not ready to be a father and had good foundations. Such hoisters, as he, almost never gave birth to children, and there was no information about how it would affect the child. In the end, Bill Weasley was only scratched and bitten, and it caused radical changes in it. So what happened to Teddy Lupine, the son of Rimus. Fortunately, Joan Rowling says he did not suffer from the same disease that tormented his father. In fact, Teddy is a magic metamorph, like his mother of the Nymphadora.

7. Past Minerva

Many were heard of the secret deceased husband of Professor Minerva McGonagall, Elfinsone Urhart, as well as her Maglovsk Father. Most people do not know about these secrets, well-hidden on the pages of Rowling books, as well as that mine has two brothers and that her father was reverend. In fact, Minerva fell in love twice, once in Maghans named, and the second is in the wizard named Elfinsong. Both her husband died prematurely.

8. Prediction of the death of Sivila Telleon

It is already known that Silal Treloni is a real psychic (although he does not realize this). She made a prophecy about the "elected", which led to the death of Harry's parents and the possible fall of Voldemort. It is known that Sille is a descendant of the legendary Cassandra Providian. Nevertheless, most of the predictions of Siville are nothing but just frivolous sayings with a completely unclear forecast. Because of her deception and fraud, everyone tends to lose sight of Sivila, a number of other regular predictions throughout the series of books, in particular, "prophecy about 13". When she was asked to join the students and teachers at the table at Christmas, she refused, saying that "when thirteen people dinner together, the first who will rise due to the table, first and die." This was confirmed later when Dumbledore, unaware that Peter Pettigrew was sitting at the table, collected a total of 13 guests, rose first because of the table and became the first one who died from those present.

9. Fictional plants with real names

Plant names in the series about Harry Potter funny and magical. Types such as poison beans tentacula or a burning antenna (Venomous Tentacula), as well as Zhabrosley (Gillyweed) give the charm of the Potter Universe. At the same time, such plants are also described as wormwood, dear and acronite, which are quite real. This also applies to other plants with "magic sound", such as the liver, Gorebel and snakes.

10. Albus Severus Potter

The most important question that torments everyone after reading the last book: why Harry called his child with the same name. Why call him in honor of a man who deceived him, and a man who mocked him. Why not call him in honor of Hagrid, who took care of Harry, or Rimus, or Sirius, etc. Those who were missing for pleasant memories. Joan Rowling gave on this occasion a completely unambiguous answer: wines. Death in the battle with Hogwarts aggravated Harry, and he never got rid of the feeling of guilt, so he called the Son in honor of Snape.

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