10 facts about love from the point of view of modern science


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Love can be one of the most fascinating, strong and changing experiences of experiences that a person can experience. This feeling changes anyone as inside and outside, at each level. When someone falls in love, his behavior is radically changing.

However, this feeling is too often fleeting, and subsequently leaves a person "sober and worst" when the flow of emotions subsides. In essence, a person returns to that point in his life, on which he was before fell in love.

So, what a modern science says about love.

1 Love

It all starts with the original spark that turns into a comprehensive flame - and this is called love. In fact, it is a flow of neurotransmitters, which, apparently, "occupy" the brain and force people to sleep until late at night, to talk to each other endlessly, thinking about each other 24 hours a day and so on. Interestingly, as it is considered, only some people can cause a similar one in another person, due to the fact that "there is something unusual and suitable for them." John Gottman researcher in his work "Principles of Love" claims that people must feel a certain smell and feel "right" (as well as mainly right) to activate the flow of neurotransmitters in their brain. In other words, not everyone can cause this feeling, and this requires certain features in a person. In fact, scientists now have no idea what it is, but it is known that there are material causes of love.

2 phenethylamine

Fenethylamine, also known as PEA, is a chemical compound that is found in nature and is produced in the human brain. Fenethylamine hydrochloride, or Phenethilamin HCl, is openly sold in many countries. What is interesting, Fenethilamin is actually a stimulant of the nervous system, so if someone ever thought, where so much energy is taken during love - the answer is simple ... He or she is essentially under the "dose of AIDS". Pheromones are chemicals that are allocated by organisms to stimulate the reaction of other organisms. It is with their help that the ants communicate, and people communicate with each other at a sexual level, not even speaking a word. The combination of these chemicals is a powerful cocktail responsible for the appearance of a whole flow of emotions that people feel when it starts to fall in love with someone.

3 dehydroepyondrosterone

Dehydroepiandrosterone is also known as DHEA and is another powerful hormone, which is involved in the brain, when a person begins to fall in love with someone. It is a steroid, and hormone precursor, which in itself does little, but can be transformed into other hormones with a much stronger impact on the body. DHEA is a natural aphrodisiac that increases sexual desire. It is sold in many places as a non-prescription additive for this reason. Dehydroepiandrosterone "accelerates" a person at all levels, including his immune system, which actually plays an interesting role in love, as well as memory, concentration and cognitive ability.

4 oxytocin

Oxytocin, one of the most famous hormones involved in the entire process of gentle feelings, is currently being studied for its impact on the human brain (the connection of the hormone and confidence between people). Oxytocin not only softens the image of thinking, turning a person in the most cute in the light of the creation. It is also produced during pregnancy and softens the skin. Oxytocin actually changes the idea of ​​other people, causing thinking about others better, and also plays a role in how people are distinguished by those who like, from those who do not like. Oxytocin begins to flow into the brain especially in large quantities during sex, which helps to establish trust relationships with a partner. This effect lasts a few weeks after each love clairthly and is particularly strong in new, emerging relationships.

5 estrogen

Estrogen is usually not a hormone that is remembered in connection with sex and dates, but it definitely plays a large role in the overall "cocktail" of organic compounds that saturate the brain after the start of new relations. Estrogen actually helps to gain the desired mood and activated in more significant quantities when a person finds someone attractive. Estrogen is produced by both men and women in different quantities (women have its level above), adjusting their mood, which emphasizes the key role of this hormone in love and admiration for someone.

6 Vasopressin

Vasopressin is an extremely interesting hormone, which plays a role in pair-tie monogamy, bringing close to lovers and creating a close connection between them. This hormone is especially active in men. Vasopressin, in combination with oxytocin, launches signals to the brain, speaking that you need to "calm down" and mate only with one person, which is the object of love. A fascinating study conducted in Sweden showed that the RS3 334 gene, which somehow modulates the Vazopressin receptors, can determine the level of attachment to his passion from men with a large proportion. The man may have one or two copies of the RS3 334 gene (or not to be it at all). The study showed that those who have two copies of the gene are tested by the greatest disgust for monogamy and "settling." They are more likely not to marry, and also have a much less level of loyalty and affection for their partners. Men without a single copy of the RS3 334 gene, on the contrary, give preference to marriage, obligations and settling. Men who had only one copy of the gene, are somewhere in the middle between these various groups. Therefore, the genetic composition and the level of hormones can strongly affect the process of love.

7 lust

Chemicals in the brain are united, forming the fact that Dr. Helen Fisher, an anthropologist from the University of Rutgers, calls three stages of love: lust, attraction and affection. The process begins with lust, which is mainly characterized by a high level of testosterone and estrogen in the body. This part occurs without the need for a specific partner, and almost any partner causes it. Chemicals are saturated with the brain and make a man search for partners, mate and multiply, and also to look for someone with whom it can go to the next step in the pairing process. The idea of ​​finding a partner permeates almost everything that man does.

8 Attractions

It is at this stage that passions begin to heat up between two people. Phase of attraction is when the in love begins to focus on one person in particular. Often, at the same time, the in love becomes obsessed, all the time thinking about his passion. In this phase of the process of love, dopamine and adrenaline simply "excavation", giving a feeling of invincibility and filling the energy. Psychologists do not consider this phase unimportant, as many do it often. They argue that this phase is needed to work out affection. As you know, the "Love of Slepa", and a person in love sees his passion perfect and infallible, at least for some time. Many people remain disappointed when this stage passes, but experts say that it is very important as a "transitional link" to the next stage.

9 attachment

The attachment is the last part of love when relations with the partner go to the deepest level. The emission of dopamine and adrenaline the clouds, and oxytocin comes to replace it, and vasopressin, "monogamous hormone", which gives a signal to the fact that the time has come to relax and, possibly, have children. It is interesting to note that in some types of animal world, this phase is noted "mutual protection of the territory", which in principle can be compared with the "construction of a family nest" by a pair. In a sense, attachment is always present in the life of people as an expression of love. As a child, the child is tied to family and friends. This, of course, is changing throughout his life, when different people appear in it, which ultimately ends with attachment to the beloved. Then the attachment to children appears.

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Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud described the innerization process in love, by means of which the significance of people who love and about which they care are increasing. Internalization is a very essential part of romantic love, which further strengthens the connection of people, although often it happens completely unconsciously. At this stage, people adapt to convictions, values, thoughts, actions, manners and a lot of each other. It is at this stage that the attachment to a person becomes so strong that even the most delicious little things seem to be meaningful. The XIX century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche argued that the main instinctive motivations of a person strengthen the things important for him, and if not to use them as a driving force for personal ideas in life, they gradually become part of a person. True, through the process of internalization, two people create a single essence of ideas, thoughts, passions, hopes and dreams, with which they can build a future life.

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