Men who need to go around and part without regret


Men who need to go around and part without regret 15826_1

All men whatever they are, can be divided into conditional types. Some of them are suitable for a serious relationship, with others will have to work, but there are those connections with which you need to tear without thinking. In this article, just about such and tell, as well as how to calculate them.

Explicit tyran

Probably the most terrible type of men. The woman trusts him, applies with attention and care, and he, instead of expressing his love to her, applies a hands-preposition and humiliates it. It's time to throw a stereotype "beats" from my head, "he also loves" - in fact, everything is with an accuracy yes, on the contrary, if it hits, it absolutely does not like and even more so does not respect. Remember once and for all, if a man raised his hand once - will definitely be the following times, no matter how he did not deny it.

Once not be afraid to contact the police, do not think about "who and what will think" - your health and well-being for you should be in the first place. And never believe that "this will no longer happen again."

How to calculate

Such a type of men simply adore the scandals almost in a flat place, sometimes even with blooming hands. Another distinctive feature of Tirana is expressed in that he likes to break off on his half because of his own failures, although the woman is absolutely involved in this. He was broken by the boss - he will play on his half, he was not trifling his day - again will be played at his lady. Also, tyras often do not like when their woman meets with their girlfriends, friends and even relatives.

How to neutralize

It is worth saying that such a relationship will not lead to anything good. Undoubtedly, parting with Tyran is scary - towards the woman begin to raise the threat even after the slightest hint of parting on her side. But no matter how terrible it was, you just need to understand what kind of hell will turn into life, if this is not done - every time it will be worse and worse - after all, Tiran, seeing that no one will unsubscribe, will come into an even greater rage. In the extreme, you can always contact the police that will provide protection.

Wielved tyran

Despite its sweeping, these men are also dangerous. Favorite occupation of veiled tyrants - manipulation by others. For someone, it may seem strange, but such representatives of strong sex can easily start crying, clogged into the angle or do something else unusual, just to cause pity, for example, and get the desired. It's funny, but there is a category of men who come so completely not consciously, and if he says about it, then the tyranny wakes up in it.

How to calculate

If after problems, instead of solving trouble, a man begins to engage in self-vaccination, walk completely devoid of mood, and sometimes even crying - if this happens regularly, even if the problem is small - in front of you veiled tyrant. And even if he is to blame for the conflict - such a man is never coming to apologize the first, or does it do it oh-very rarely.

How to neutralize

If the love of this man is big, then you can advise except for a hike to a psychologist, and it is better to go to him with your half. But it will not be easy to do so, such men do not burn with the desire to visit "Mozgoprava". But still it is better to simply stop toxic relationships, and make it gently so that your loved one does not break.

Eternal child

These men like the carefree life that they want to stay in childhood - they are terribly responsible for themselves, because of this, they cannot make a family, for the same reason they have permanent problems at work and in society. Infantilism is their biggest problem.

The only thing they is very interesting is to spend time to spend time and do not take care of anything. Such men often freeze with friends, they like to walk through the nightclubs, sit in front of the computer for games and passing money. But everything that concerns work and responsibility for them is akin to nightmare. If he is still and decides to make a woman a sentence, then only in order to impose responsibility for her for his life so that she earns money, fed, he dreamed of him, cared for him, while he enjoys all the benefits.

How to calculate

Such a man is not able to take care of himself at all, even small decisions are scared. Often they are afraid to call unfamiliar people or in the organization. They do not tend to help a woman around the house, only if she herself does not ask for it. Communication with people is given badly (not to be confused with introversion), and as soon as the question comes to marriage, it tries to quickly close the conversation.

How to neutralize

It would not be prevented by work with a psychologist, because very often such behavior of men is due to the fact that they were deprived of their childhood, so they try to catch up. The specialist will help solve the problem and place everything in places. Another option is a woman if she wants to be close to such a man, you will have to take on the role of mommies and take care of not only about myself, but also about your beloved. There is another option - to part and stay friends. It's funny, but it is with such a type of men to part easier, and they really without any problems remain friends.

Mamienekin's son

Mom's word for such men law. Even if your marriage turns 10 years old, my mother will still be more important for him. Even if you have an excellent relationship with my mother-in-law and she nourishes the best feelings for you, she still wants her son to live near her skirt. And here, by the way, the problem can be walking in his mom, which can be a hidden tyrant.

How to calculate

It is very simple to recognize - as it has already been said, he always has a mother in everything, it is advised to her, and not two of you (you and he), and Three (you, he and his mother). And in controversial situations, he in 99.9% of cases is on the side of his mommy, and not on yours, even if it is clearly incomprehensible.

How to neutralize

If you live under the same roof - you need to think seriously over the move. Yes, it can be problematic, but otherwise it will not work out anything. Another option is to simply accept and submit that his mother will lead your family life. Save such relationships is difficult, but perhaps, however, for this you need the desire of both and what will be better, the help of a psychologist.

Incruitable lazy

For such a man, a woman will definitely be erased, and cook, and clean, and in the meantime it will wipe the hole in the couch in the sofa. He will never raise his fifth point with a soft place to at least help his lady to his ladder, he finishes a primitive phrase that "tired at work." It can be compared with the seal, because He only eats, lying and only time from time to time to work.

How to calculate

Very simple - he will often be just too lazy to walk with you. You should not wait for some active actions from him, and even more so aid with romance. He is always on everything too lazy.

How to neutralize

In order to somehow disgrace such respect, it will not be superfluous to record it in the gym - the physical activity is known, contributes to the development of the male sex hormone testosterone, which will make it more active. That's just to push him into the gym not so easy.

You can try to teach him to work gradually, making it very slowly. And another option is to take on the role of the maid and care for him, bring and attract everything he will ask.

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