Homemade face care: how to get a sleek skin for 3 steps

Homemade face care: how to get a sleek skin for 3 steps

"Beauty and youth depends on genetics," they say those who are lazy to take care of themselves. In fact, competent home care is capable of significantly improving the condition of the skin. The main thing is to know simple beauty rules. We tell how to achieve well-kept skin, even if genetics pumped up.

Step 1. We learn everything about your skin.

Rule: The best cosmetics for the person takes into account the needs of your skin.

ARAVIA PROFESSIONAL home line for face skin care

Do not use masks more often 1-2 times a week. There is a risk to overstat the skin, and it will give the opposite effect.

There are four Type of skin : Dry, Normal, Fat and Combined. Type of skin cannot be changed - it is given from birth. But you can influence on skin condition If it is necessary to care for it. Competent care will help in the fight against peeling, pigmentation, the appearance of premature wrinkles, rash and redness.

Often, women themselves diagnose the skin type and choose the funds that they do not fit. For example, with insufficient moisture and oily skin can begin to peel. In this case, the choice of cosmetics for dry type will be erroneous. Incorrect solution will lead to the exacerbation of the state - the struck and the appearance of acne.

To avoid mistakes and give the skin what she needs, use free online diagnostics from the Aravia Professional brand. You will spend a few minutes and get a lot of useful:

  • information about the type and condition of your skin;
  • General recommendations for the selection of cosmetics;
  • Examples of specific products for you;
  • Useful tips on beauty habits favorable for your skin.

Step 2. Choose cosmetics. What funds are better - Ready or homemade

Rule: Special cosmetics are safer. Folk methods are more affordable, but they can cause allergies and skin problems.

ARAVIA PROFESSIONAL home line for face skin care

If you bought a new cream, do not rush to apply it on your face. First test it on the inner bending of the elbow or on the wrist

Under the handmade cosmetics, you need to understand everything that has not passed the research and did not receive a quality certificate. Homemade creams made of oils and hydrolates, honey-kefir masks, wash with clay, oil mixtures with ethereals, carrot juice or chamomile decoction instead of tonic - all this can be useful, and may also harm. Do you want to check it on yourself?

If you are not afraid of experimental care of the face at home, then you can also try grandparents recipes, and self-made emulsions for recipes from the Internet. But I warn you right away: the effect is unpredictable. Risks are a lot - allergies, irritation, clogged pores and rashes.

Cosmetics creation is a complex process that requires:

  • sterility;
  • understanding how skin works;
  • Related ratios of different ingredients.

The Russian brand Aravia Professional offers certified professional funds that are trusted both cosmetologists and ordinary women. The means of the line are distinguished by balanced compositions and moderate price. For regular skin care, we advise you to try a special home line, and choose skin care will help a free online test.

Step 3. Adhere to Beauty Routine

Rule: Carry out the skin regularly and in stages.

Foam for washing Aravia Professional with Muzzin Snail and Green Tea

Cosmetologists recommend starting any skin care from washing. To do this, use a soft tool, for example, a foam with mucin and green tea from Aravia Professional

This information is not new - there are several main stages of skin care: purification, tonization, moisturizing and intensive care (1-2 times a week). But for some reason, some girls storing "to forget" to buy tonic or often wash the children's shampoo. Therefore, you need to remember the importance of each face of skin care. This is a kind of technology that allows you to achieve the best result:

  • Careful purification before applying serum and cream will help their active ingredients to penetrate the skin and give a pronounced result;
  • Moisturizing prevents dry skin, which leads to a violation of its protective functions, sensitivity and premature aging;
  • The day cream with SPF not only moisturizes, but also protects against negative factors of the external environment, including from ultraviolet;
  • In the means for intensive care, the increased content of assets that actually act on imperfections and improve the skin condition.

The regularity of facial care at home is important. The skin is an organ that works intensively without days off and holidays: protects, displays toxins, updated. Therefore, the person should also take care of the face.

How to achieve well-kept skin: memo

Here are three basic rules that will help improve your skin:

  • perform all stages of care;
  • take care of the skin every day - in the morning and evening;
  • Use cosmetics that matches your type and skin condition.

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