How to preserve emotional intimacy and love in the family


How to preserve emotional intimacy and love in the family 15219_1

In the life of each married couple, the time comes when sex goes to the background, and the priority becomes home, children and work. But the problem is that together with intimate relationships from the life of the couple leaves mental proximity and mutual understanding, the spouses are distinguished from each other, they appear different desires and interests.

And as a result, the relationships of the couple begin to spark nervously, discontent with partner, irritability and fatigue appear.

Foundation of family relationships

All adults understand that there would be no matter how there are, but the relationship of the couple in sex is based. And in the event that the pair is on the verge of separation, the reason is clear, some may even voice it, that's just the intimate side of life from this does not improve.

Often you can hear that "intimate relationship is not the main thing in the family." We will not argue with this, but it should be noted that without them, happy families do not happen. It so happened that for a person Intimate is not just mating to reproduce offspring. This process has more serious emo-bonds, which is determined by the proximity of a man and a woman.

Intimate helps people express feelings that can not express differently. Yes, and the physical need for sex is not worth disclingoning, because it is stupid to deny that it exists and has serious attention to the relationship between people and human behavior in society. The fact is that mechanisms that are launched during sexual classes affect not only physical, but also on the psycho-emotional state of a person. For this reason, people who have no full-fledged intimate life suffer from various health disorders, and in society feel uncomfortable.

Thus, the lack of intimate relationships is the absence of a link that binds a chain of a full relationship. And quite often, spouses to fill this gap, roll off on the side. Restore relations in the family and qualitatively improving the intimate side of the relationship will help the article "Why men like that ...". Yes, and men should not forget about the physical desires of their ladies. Both spouses should be remembered that Intimate is the foundation of the departure, without which the house will not work.

What to do to return the old relationship

Family psychologists give only a few simple tips that will allow the world to return the world.

1. It is necessary to understand yourself and answer the question that caused the cooling in the marital bed. Perhaps it's just fatigue, and you need to learn how to properly arrange priorities and do not forget to rest.

2. A person, unlike the smaller brothers, is able not only to control the instincts, but also to make volitional efforts. So why not make concessions, a partner in the event that I want to sleep, and the partner is quite romantic. After all, in fact a few minutes will pass, and the desire will already be mutual.

3. Talk with a partner to any topics, ask him about desires, watch romantic films and spend more time together. And even make a gift to a partner, looking some things on

If the former intimate relationship cannot be returned independently, and the question of how to establish an intimate side of life and save the family from the decay hanging in the air, it is worth contacting the specialists who will help find the root of the problem and the way out of the most difficult situation.

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