Why in women's eSports less than men on statistics COP GO BETS


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In many sports, the physical differences in women and men play a serious role and are used for gender division. When it comes to eating, it is clear that there are no reasons for such a separation. But at the same time it is necessary to declare that women-gamers in cyber speaking are much less. So what are the reasons for such a situation?

How many women's gamers in the world

Two years ago, the Association of Software Developers (ESA) conducted a study according to which there are 54% among gamers - these are men, and 46% are women. Researchers noted that women over 18 years old in the game segment about 30%, while men under 17 - 21%. It turns out that women-gamers in the world have a sufficient number, but at the same time 95% of professionals in cybersport are men. Yes, and bets on COP goesport at https://gg-bbet.ru/cs-go/ - traditionally zone of male interests.

Gender features of cyberports

In the segment of the video game at the stage of their formation, representatives of the strong half of humanity were dominated. And although today the gender balance has changed a little, the culture has been preserved. The main problem is the threshold of entry into cybersport. The fact is that the men have a steady stereotype, they are unproduced by certain cultural and professional spheres, and if a woman wants to penetrate this sphere, she has to prove his competence.

So, recently, a public accusation was put forward against the South Korean cybersport that she plays how "a living person could not play." It even received the threats to physical violence. To prove that she is a woman, and she can be height in video games, Kim had to play online for several hours in a row. There are also so-called visual problems - when female characters in games are turned into a sexy ladies. It is worth only to remember how the Warld of Warcraft Women's warriors were closed in more than frank bikini armor.

Another visual example is the characters from Soulcalibur, created by Korean Hung-Tae Kim. The bodies of his heroin are bare, while male characters in the game do not look provocative. And as a result, this approach repels women from computer games.

But on visualization, the problem does not end. Women repeatedly noted that they encounter the toxicity of online society even when they simply communicate in chatting by voice. Stephanie Harvey, a famous professional athlete, was somehow said in an interview with the Air Force: "Cybersport is still a male club. And women get a negative just because they are women and they play. "

Streaming as the first stage in professional cybersport

Quite a lot of gamers before going out on the professional field of cybersport, start with Stryming. Any online games are excellent workouts, the opportunity to get a decent amount on Donats and declare yourself in the game world.

Many cyberports are permanent broadcasts, have fans that support them financially. And if the profi team is looking for a new player, then one of the criteria for its success is a loyal fan base.

In the case of women there are features. Some streamers use their female charm to attract spectators. And sometimes they do not need outstanding gaming skills. So the myth appeared, so that the girls come to the world of games only for donates and male attention. But in this situation, the men themselves are to blame - if this "button" did not work, then the streamers would not use it.

Professional female cyberport

Today, a series of cybersport leagues conducts women's tournaments. One of such tournaments is a football tournament strike. Last year, the most successful women's team received 25 thousand dollars as a prizes. A comparison with male eSports is very simple - the average amount of a large tournament, in which men meet from 100 thousand dollars.

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