What you need to know the bokets about forecasts for women's football


What you need to know the bokets about forecasts for women's football 15189_1

Many football fans do not look at women's football tournaments, as they consider them boring. But in fact, if you see how women play one of the most popular sports, they will be interested in this direction at least for the sake of a successful game on sport forecasts.

Features of female football

Experts argue that in women's football there are several features that, if you use them correctly, allow you to bet with a high probability of getting a solid gain.

Those who make football predictions are repelled to the championships of the main football countries and Russia, and still international tournaments. In fact, football competitions are more than enough, and always analyze that. In this matter, the main point to figure out how women's matches are held and what the predictions need to pay close attention.

Features Forecasts for Women's Football

The main feature of women's football tournaments analysts consider too high coefficients to win outsiders. But it happens that such coefficients exhibit on the "middling". If in men's football, when the leader and outsider is found, the coefficient 15-20, and sometimes higher numbers. In the women's tournaments, indicators differ significantly.

The difference lies at once in several reasons

- In women's tournaments, the difference between midjaps and leaders is essential, if compared with men. And this is due to the fact that there are not many women at a high level, and therefore they bring them out, as a rule, 1-3 rich clubs. And in the rest of the athletes are not high enough.

- Great difference in the overall level of female football in different countries. The fact is that if men's football has some support in poor countries, the female is not developed at all.

- Women fit the game more responsibly and diligently and sometimes a weak opponent has no chance.

Additional forecasts: penalty

Almost every event in the proven BC has quite a lot of opportunities for additional prediction. You can make dopporms for additional removal, on the number of angular, at the exact account and on the penalty. For the last forecast, the coefficients are usually quite high, so FIFA penalty is predictions and are so popular with plates.

Even before the match, to study the referee Maneru, it is easy to draw conclusions about its attitude to a penalty. The fact is that in the rules of football, the canons are very violated in violation of the rules on the playing field. Therefore, the approach from the arbitrators to the appointment of the penalty is individual. And beta letters who make forecasts, it is important to understand how the arbitrator belongs to the controversial moments.

All you need to know about the coefficients

Increased coefficients can be observed on total, when there are outsiders with favorites. If you use correctly motivating clubs and tight schedule of games, you can play as on the plus of the outsider, and on the minus of the Favorites. Making the strategy of forecasts for women's matches, in this direction and should be followed.

Making predictions, take into account the natural qualities of girls. Quite often, posted in one match, it is quite difficult to quickly return to good shape and play the next match at a high level.

Analysts note that the most popular forecast in the Women's Championship of the Russian Federation Plus Fora Outsider and "Total Less". At meetings relatively equal rivals, when the difference in points in no more than 3 points, it is worth putting on the "Total less". If in the match "Favorite-Outsider" on the victory of the first, a low coefficient is set, then it is possible to put on an outsider.

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