Analysts said the cryptocurrency market needs investors' women


Analysts said the cryptocurrency market needs investors' women 15177_1

The cryptocurrency market again sounded concerns about Bitcoin. At once, several reputable investors and banking organizations stated that the cryptocurrency market is just a soap bubble, which means not around the corner the time when the collapse happens.

And if you consider that in the beginning of January 2021, the capitalization of cryptocurrency cripped into a 700-billion front line, it will understand that any significant fluctuation of the course will not remain unnoticed. After all, this plank is higher than the capitalization of such giants as Google, Microsoft or Amazon

The reasons for concerns are more than enough: from low control of the sphere cryptocurrency to too strong takeoff over several months. In particular, in 2017, the growth of bitcoine exceeded 1000%. Experts did not fail to notice that this is a sign of speculation. And even more urgent problems that are not related directly to the economic component are becoming more urgent. And one of the most important is gender inequality at the crypton.

Cryptovaya Market - Men's Club

After an analytical study, experts in one voice declare that the leading positions occupy the leading position in the market. According to Google statistics, only 3.5% of women are engaged in this kind of investment. According to expert estimates, in 2020 investors received 85 billion dollars from Bitcoins. And only 5 billion earned by women.

The opinions of analysts are diametrically different. Some declare that the cryptocurrency market provides all the same capabilities, while others are confident that gender inequality in this area exists, and this is a very disturbing sign. Crypturge rating In any case, allows you to choose a favorable platform for investment.

Than dangerous men on a crypto exchange

If you believe the studies, then the actions on the cryptobier of male traders and young people are often the cause of the so-called economic bubbles. This is called the cycle, during which, first the assets take off sharply, and for these it follows a sharp drop.

However, this theory has a medical rationale. With successful transactions, testosterone rises, and because of this, traders are ready to risk. So the economic bubble arises. In confirmation of this theory, the so-called "bubble of dotcomms" resulting in the late 1990s. At that time, the stock exchange was an investment boom - people were invested in the Internet company. And suddenly the traders began to behave strangely. Being in Euphoria, they were often inadequate and went to unreasonable risk. And at the same time they were in complete confidence that such high risks can justify the high probability of gaining benefits.

But there was one strange feature in this situation - Euphoria, in which almost all male traders were abandoned, did not affect their female colleagues.

And what is on the crypton

According to European analysts, men are 95% of investors who are invested in Bitcoin and other crypto. It is difficult to remember other securities with such a steady gender gap in the history of the financial market. The imbalance is explained by the fact that finance - traditionally the male field of activity, and the support of women from the professional community is simply absent.

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