Top sights Warsaw, who need to be visited


Old city

Top sights Warsaw, who need to be visited 15175_1

Old Malo-Quarter in the very center of Warsaw, from which the history of the city began in the XIII century. Around the market square, the residence of the princes, the town hall and the Palaces of the Polish nobility were built. Outside the area of ​​construction was more chaotic, but no less interesting. In the old town there is a royal castle, several medieval churches, barbican and urban walls. The first floors of the buildings are occupied by cafes, restaurants and shops, so in the old town you can admire historical sights, and the opportunity to have a snack, drink coffee or buy something in memory of Warsaw.

Decent respect for the epic with the restoration of the old city, purposefully blown off by the fascists in 1944. The quarter was reconstructed as close as possible to the preseigned state. They also paid attention to the appearance of buildings and materials. Warshowene manually moved the ruins, selecting fitting fragments suitable for restoration. This work lasted for many years, but received decent confession - for efforts to restore the old town introduced UNESCO to the World Heritage List.


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The palace-park ensemble "Lazenki" by the Western side adjoins the old town. This is 75 hectares of solid beauty, regardless of whether the view of the greenery of the park, the water surface of the ponds or the walls of the palaces. The arrangement of the park began in the XVII century, and he acquired their current species in the second half of the 18th century by the efforts of King Stanislav understood.

Park "Lazenki" is interesting precisely as a whole ensemble built around the Lazenkov Palace. At about the same distance from it, the Roman Amphitheater, the Museum of the Royal Lazenki, the Royal Theater, Old and New Orangee and the White House are located. The main historical value of the latter is the spicy stories about numerous mistresses of understood, for meetings with which the house and was built.

For an acquaintance with the sights of the park, it is quite worth allocating all day. Visit the park, and at the same time to listen to the daily concerts at the monument to Chopin (at 12:00 and 16:00) are free, and an integrated ticket to all buildings costs 40 zł (800 rubles).

Museum of Chopin

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In the Palace of Ostrozhsk, a baroque building, built in the XVIII century in one and a half kilometers of the south of the Old Town, since 1953 there is a Museum of Frederick Chopin. Until the beginning of the XXI century, it was an ordinary museum: the exposition of personal belongings and manuscripts plus a library, a repository and a concert hall. But after the reconstruction and reorganization, the Museum of Chopin became one of the most modern in the country.

In a new exposure that occupies all 4 floors, the emphasis is on the interactivity and individuality of the visitor. Children are invited to collect puzzles in the portrait of the Great Composer, adults can, occur to the sections of the floor or sitting in the tiny boots, listen to the works of Chopin or excerpts from his biography. Each exhibit in the showcase has an audio guide. That is, you can, for example, listen to the history of the work of the work, whose manuscript lies in front of you. There are traditional exhibits, including Notebook Chopin on Russian calligraphy and the last piano on which he played. The only possible minus is the decoration of the halls. It is dominated by dark tones and sharp, sometimes gross forms that sometimes creates an oppressive impression.

Visiting the Museum of Chopin costs 23 zł.

Museum of Curie

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Museum of the greatest daughter of the Polish people, twice awarded the Nobel Prize, Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie is located on the border of new and old cities, immediately for Warsaw Barbakan. Purchase by the museum is impossible - his wall decorates a huge graffiti of a woman with a child, from the test tube in the hand of which radium and polonium fly out. Controversial, even taking into account the fact that it was Sklodovskaya-Curi that opened these radioactive elements, but attracts attention.

The museum's exposition is interesting abundance of exhibits owned by Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie. The range is extremely wide: from small household items and personal diaries to furniture and a complete chemical laboratory with an invented Maria manual centrifuge. A very interesting excursion is carried out, during which a stand with advertising materials from newspapers and magazines advertising a wonderful rejuvenating effect of cosmetics containing radium is demonstrated.

The entrance ticket to the Curie Museum costs 11 zł.

Vilantavsky Palace

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The Vilantavsky Palace is located in the Far Southeast Warsaw. This is a whole range of luxurious buildings with a gorgeous park. Its construction began in the second half of the XVII century, and ended in late XVIII. During this time, the palace changed several owners, so in buildings you can see elements of different architectural styles with the predominance of Baroque.

Already at the beginning of the XIX century, the first museum was opened in the palace. The Germans during the second world is pretty clean it, but almost everyone returned. Part of the exposition fell into other museums, so the palace called the "Museum of the King Yana III". In essence, this is the royal museum. Reviews spread from "People lived!" Before "How can I live there?". Indeed, for 25 zł, you can get diametrically different impressions - in the Vilanto Palace too much luxury and too little life.

National Museum

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In the Warsaw district of Menescents, there is a complex of the National Museum, consisting of several buildings. The main part of the museum was built in 1910-1930, the southern wing was erected after World War II.

Before the Second World War, it was the Museum of Fine Arts, but then it was visited by the connoisseurs of these arts from Germany, and there was nothing to exhibit in the museum. The new collection has become more diverse. Painting and sculpture remained, but archaeological finds were added to them (there are ancient Egyptian exhibits), ancient icons, furniture, a collection of costumes, a collection of dishes and a significant collection of jewelry. You can get acquainted with the exposition of the National Museum in 20 zł.

Church of John the Baptist

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Poland - the country is zealously Catholic, so the churches in Warsaw come across every step. The most important church of John the Baptist - is located in the Old Town, next to the Market Square.

The cathedral was built in 1390 for the solemn ceremonies of Mazovian princes. Style - the extremely simple brick gothic - it is good because there is no traditional gothic in it. Interior design is made in the style of Baroque.

Interesting the temple of John the Baptist and his story. You can be inside the walls that have seen three Roman dads and coronation of two kings. Mazovian Princes and Polish presidents, the writer Henry Senkevich and the musician of Ignati Padhevsky, are resting in the church. This church is the National Pantheon of Poland, so there are many state flags in it.

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