How to prepare potatoes for landing


How to prepare potatoes for landing 15118_1

It would seem that winter is the time when the gardeners can sleep well. But it was not there. Just in the winter period, those who are engaged in the cultivation of vegetables on the nursery plot, think about planting potatoes and the preparation of seed material. To get an excellent potato harvest, you need to follow certain rules.

How to prepare potato tubers for landing

A month before the expected landing, the tubers must be postponed for germination. Previously need to check the health of tubers. To wake up the tubers, you need to put them into the room with a temperature of about 22 degrees for several days, and then transfer from to a cooler place (temperature 10-14 degrees). It is important that in the room where seminal potatoes, there was a lot of light. If the sprouts are more than 5 cm, they need to be broken, and in their place will grow new.

Before planting tubers should be dark green. If the tubers are large, then before planting they need to be cut into two parts, given that the sprouts should be on each part. Before planting tubers, they need to be treated with modern drugs from fungus and bacteria. Such a training program makes it possible to get a high harvest.

At this stage, you need to select all damaged and patients with tubers, they will not fit for landing. In the process of the material selection, it is better to get rid of tubers on which sprouts are too weak, or eyes did not wake up, or a rot. So it turns out to plant only really high-quality seeds.

Soil fertilizer before landing

Experienced gardeners know that the crumbly and delicious potatoes are obtained, if we grow on sandy and lightweight soil, fired by humus. And in the perfect version, the humus should be made in the soil not immediately before planting potatoes, but under the culture that preceded potatoes. During the landing in the well with potatoes, you need to put a handful of bone flour or wood ash. If the ground is clapped on the ground, but one year before planting potatoes to make lime. Well for clay soil is suitable with peat.

Tricks that will help to collect a large potato harvest

Experienced gardeners advise: - Do not throw out potato tops with a developed root system, on which there are small tubers. You can again put such a bush deeper than 4-5 cm, it is good to pour and deposit the organic. Then you need around the planted bushes to trough the soil and inspire it with dry grass, peat or straw. - It is necessary to impair and pour a plot with potatoes at least 2 times a season.

- You can, digging early potatoes, do not dig a bush completely, and just dig it and choose the largest tubers, leaving small to grow up. But after such a procedure, potato bushes should be carefully emphasized.

- Speed ​​up the ripening of tubers can be bending them to the ground. The main thing to do everything neatly, and the stems must be at a short distance from each other. You only need to do this during flowering - not later and not before. When the tops are in a horizontal position, it stops growing, and all the power goes to new tubers. Of course, after a certain time, the stalks will rise, and then the procedure must be repeated.

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