Is it worth doing a girl doing football


Is it worth doing a girl doing football 15113_1

Today it is difficult to argue with the fact that football is one of the most popular team sports in the world. But when it comes to football, as a rule, everyone represents male football. But if this sport wants to do a daughter, not the Son. And not just drive the ball in the courtyard with dad or girlfriends, but to sign up in the sports section and seriously train. Experienced football players are confident that you should not panic.

What advantages have football

Harmonious physical development

Physical development and health promotion is impossible without exercise. Young football players have always differed not only excellent sports form, but also high concentration, endurance, excellent reaction and flexibility. And this list can be continued even longer.

In addition, football requires decisiveness and good smelting athletes. This is a wonderful cardiography, and training for respiratory organs. And even almost all football players are beautiful posture, muscle tone and no excess weight. So what can prevent the girl from this?

Self confidence

According to research of psychologists, the girls' football players are much confident of the peers who do not engage in this sport. In addition, they are always on a positive, because the game gives a good mood.

In football, girls learn to show the initiative, to deal with their rights, be responsible for their actions. If the girl passed a football school, in any case will find his way in this form. Skills will always be useful not only in the game, but also in life.

It is worth saying that today many girls who know the sport from the inside are fond of sporting forecasts and get good dividends with them. And there are among them and such that manifests analytical abilities and becomes a kapper. The rating of kapperov today is not rarely headed by the French representatives.

Formation of interest in sports

If a girl wants to do football, parents should not miss this chance to make her love for an active lifestyle. After all, it is well known that the love of sports and the calling is not allowed forcibly. Football is the species in which workouts are perfectly combined with a team game, in which children sometimes forget, what kind of hard work is a sports workout.

Cons football

Of course, on the football field, everything is not so smooth as I would like. If only because football is not only the most popular, but also one of the most traumatic gaming species. But nevertheless, contrary to the fears of parents, sports, first and foremost strengthen the muscular system and the skeleton, and the chance to get a stretch or fracture from trained people is much lower.

Another negative point: Girls will have to face stereotypical thinking of many adults who even in 2020 believe that only real men play football, like hockey. But such an experience will teach to be stronger and resist the negative.

Thus, football classes will allow the girls to develop many qualities that will be useful in adulthood. And most importantly, the girls will learn the latitude of thoughts, they will not be in power stereotypes, they will acquire leadership qualities. For such young ladies, all expensive not only in sports will be opened.

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