20 best Russian cartoons


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Rather, call children to watch cartoons from the top selection of OKKO online cinema. We selected the 20 best animated paintings, from which you yourself cannot break away.

1. Masha and Bear

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Meet Masha is a fidget child who has launched a solid friendship with a good bear, as well as all other forest inhabitants: hedgehogs, hares and chanterelles. Each series tells about exciting stories, how Masha cooked porridge or caught a goldfish. Once, our masha was kidnapped by terrible wolves, but they spooled on time and rather returned her back to Mishke. Look, why did they do that?

2. Three from Prostokvashino

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The good old Soviet cartoon, who tells us about the three main characters. Uncle Fedor is a responsible boy who leaves parental shelter, and goes to live in a village along with a cat Matroskin and a dog. Together with them in the village lives postman Pechekin, who dreams of a bicycle.

3. Well, wait!

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Hare and wolf - the heroes of the most famous Soviet cartoon. These are the best cartoons according to the older generation. In each series, the wolf violently trying to catch a hare to eat it at the end. However, a destruct and a prompt hare always manage to circle a wolf around the finger.

4. Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all

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Funny stories about teddy bear and his friends. In the cartoon you will learn how to collect honey from harmful bees, why the guest is not worth it too much and what a gift to choose the best friend's birthday.

5. Flying ship

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The folk tale of the royal family, which tells about the clean and bright love of the daughter of the king of fun and the Poultchist of Ivan. On their way the evil reguclear rises. He wants to take fun in his wife in exchange for wealth. Water comes to the rescue, which tells about the flying ship. Wanya manages to build a magic ship, but the Polcan throws the hero into the water and takes the ship to himself. In the fairy tale won well and love, so fun and Ivan fly on a flying ship, leaving behind the greedy king and insidious boyar Polkana.

6. Fixy

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A cognitive cartoon about the little men who live in our devices and care about them. After watching, you will learn: how the Internet is arranged, how the toy railway is working and why it is so important to brush your teeth. And all this with a light humor and absolutely not surpassed. Let's say secret, adults from this cartoon can also learn a lot.

7. Kid and Carlson

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Two friends travel along the roofs of the house in search of the banks of his beloved jam, scare fraudsters, having to go into white sheets, like haunted and dance with their nanny - in a word, having fun!

8. Barboskins

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In the cartoon we will learn about the Barboskina family, who live in the city of Graz. Adults are very busy with household chores and work, so children are provided by themselves. Rose, gene, Lisa, friend and kid at that time play, turning up the bottom of the whole apartment.

9. Luntik and his friends

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The story telling about the hero who was born on the moon. Our hero is very kind, has many friends and always ready to go to the revenue. Pupsen and Putsense, two twin brothers, try to pump the Luntik and his friends: Kouze, the beekeeper and mile. But thanks to the friendship and justice of the caterpillars always remain defeated. The cartoons about Luntika fell into the ranking of the best because of their instructive and good stories.

10. Smeshariki

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A cartoon for children who tells about animal life. However, it will be interesting and adults, because it affects such important themes as: the meaning of life, unrequited love, the intensity of popularity and the harm of power.

11. Cat Leopold

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The fairy tale about the charming and fair cat Leopold and two harmful mice, which call the cat "Podl Coward". Finding into their own traps, the mice are asking for forgiveness from a peace-loving cat. Leopold does not punish mice for their antics and calls to live together. The patience of Leopold can only be envied. He is a good and wise teacher.

12. Maugli

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An instructive story about a small boy, which brought up the wolf's pack. Baghir and Balu - the faithful friends of Mowgli - help the boy to cope with the dangerous enemy - Tiger Sherry. In the jungle of the main character, others are waiting for other dangers, whether he will cope?

13. Padal snow fell

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Funny cartoon telling about a peasant, who sent his wife in the New Year behind the Christmas tree. The main character goes to the forest, where his inhabitants meet in his path. For a happy accident, he finds a magic wand, which brings the hero of amazing wonders. But, where is the Christmas tree?

14. Vovka in the Trident Kingdom

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The book "Do Himself" helps Vovka to get into a fairy tale, where he meets the king, who threatens to punish the hero behind the idleness. Fucking from one fairy tale, Vovka falls into another, where the goldfish also remains dissatisfied with the torus of the main character and sends him a long journey through the fabulous worlds. It seems that you have to forever forget about your laziness and start learning, otherwise I do not see him at home as your ears.

15. Bremen musicians

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Not in vain fell into the top of the top cartoons. An exciting story about love Troubadour and Princess. On the way to his happiness, they meet the robbers who conceived the abduction of the king's daughter. Troubadur and his friends help the king and save from the paw of the robbers of the princess, and after run under the cover of the night from the kingdom. The cartoon is filled with songs that many adults still remember.

16. The Mystery of the Third Planet

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The cartoon tells about the fascinating adventures of the captain, scientist Seleznev and Alice, his daughter. Heroes meet the talking bird, which tells them that the two captains, which went to the expedition, got into trouble. Heroes immediately go to salvation, but everything is not so simple. On the way, they meet wonderful alien creatures and real cosmic pirates.

17. Cheburashka

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Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena are looking for friends. To do this, they go throughout the city and hang ads, but the old woman Shapoklyak and her Kryska Larisk are trying to interfere with their plans. The Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka who loved by the Soviet viewer find friends, and the old woman Shapoklyak opens his own bureau where people pay for useless tips.

18. Treasure Island

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An amazing mix of a cartoon with musical interruptions with real people. It tells about the island with the treasures of Captain Flint. You can find the hidden treasure with a pirated card, which falls into the hands of our main character. And he goes to a dangerous trip to the search for treasures. Other pirates are also known about the mysterious treasure, so it's not easy to find it the main character.

19. Hedgehog in the fog

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The hedgehog went to visit his friend a bear. A thick fog is held in the forest, and the hedgehog soon understands that he got lost. By chance, the hedgehog enters the river with a rapid flow. I miraculously choosing out of the water, his friend a bear fan is a hedgehog on the shore.

20. Kitten named Gav

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In the cartoon we will learn about the friendship of the kitten named Gav and the ball puppy. They will tell you how to share sausages and protect the cutlets, how to fear the thunderstorms and hide from her in the attic, and why it is so important to come up with your secret language.

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