New Rejuvenating Biodeparation Procedure: Indications, Conducting, Effect


New Rejuvenating Biodeparation Procedure: Indications, Conducting, Effect 15057_1

Beautiful and young leather without operations and aggressive hardware techniques is possible. One of the effective solutions is biorescence, an injection method of rejuvenation at the cellular level.

When the skin begins to grow old, in your power stop this process. Many women turn to the biorescence of the person to deliver the active ingredients in the deep layers of the skin.

What is biorase face

This is a new mesotherapeutic injection technique for skin rejuvenation. The procedure launches natural internal process update and recovery processes.

The principle of the technique is based on the delivery of special components in the middle layers of the sebum. In contrast to classic biorevitalization, this method provides a more pronounced effect.

The method is based on the use of a new generation biological preparation (Meso-Wharton) "Mesovarton" with the main active substance - a special peptide, the lack of which and contributes to the aging of the skin. The peptide activates the production of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen.

What is the uniqueness and differences of biorescence

MESO-WHARTON-based method has proven efficacy, ensuring the regeneration of soft tissues at the cellular level. Mesovarton was specifically developed for intensive refreshing skin and body skin.

The effect of the drug

Penetrating the tissue, the drug provides skin moisturizing, stimulating the processes of rejuvenation, cell renewal, feeding the skin by trace elements and vitamins.

Comprehensive action draws time to reverse - you really become younger.


The rejuvenating procedure of the bioraction of the person is recommended for women aged after 40 years. This age, which reduces the level of such important components as hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen.


  • Problem skin and wrinkles of different depths;
  • reduced tone and dryness;
  • reduced skin elasticity and elasticity;
  • irregularity of the skin;
  • pigmentation;
  • Scars, scars and other lesions of the skin (the methodology is recommended as an effective means of recovery after plastics and aggressive hardware procedures: peelings, laser grinding).

Bioreparation is shown in any signs of aging. The technique helps to slow down the natural fading processes of the skin and speed up the cell renewal.

How biolating passes

This is a weekend procedure that does not require special training. Injections can be performed on the day of appeal, immediately after consulting a cosmetologist's doctor. At the consultation, the specialist will estimate the condition of the skin and will collect the necessary information to eliminate contraindications to biorescence.

Preliminary preparation includes skin cleansing (demacid). Anesthesia is optional, but if the patient is desired, anesthetic cream is used.

The doctor then introduces the drug himself in an injection method, a predetermining injection step in advance (the exact technique depends on the state of the skin, so it is selected individually).

Is it painful to do bioretia?

No, sometimes patients feel just light discomfort, so local anesthesia is rarely used (but if there is such a desire, the doctor will apply cream that reduces skin sensitivity).

How many procedures do you need to go through?

To achieve the maximum and persistent effect, a course of 5-7 sessions is recommended, after which the injections will begin to act comprehensively.

The effect of biorescence - the skin becomes younger

The result of injections becomes noticeable almost immediately and gradually increases:

  • deep moistening of the skin (elimination of dryness);
  • cell rejuvenation - elastic, elastic and smooth skin;
  • Freshness - you look cheerfully, remove signs of fatigue and stress;
  • Improving the color of the face - clarification of pigmentation, alignment of the tonality;
  • Preventive effect - slowdown in natural aging processes.

Detailed information can be clarified on the Clinic Clinic Clinic Network Portal. Here is a description of the procedure and its effectiveness. Contact proven clinics using original drugs.

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