Relatives should know what to do if a close man died


Relatives should know what to do if a close man died 15037_1

Death is a cunning thing that does not choose the time and place of its arrival. Because it can happen in the hospital, at home, away, on the street, in the store, other public place. Some people are not interested in funeral traditions, they relieve all the actions of ritual services. However, during a certain period of time, they will have to face the fatal fact of relatives and it is necessary to be aware of what to do if a close person died. 1. If death happened in the hospital, doctors themselves will send the body of the deceased to a medical examination in the morgue. You will have to inform relatives and close to what happened, cause a ritual agent. 2. The death of a loved one who happened at home, at the cottage, visiting, requires an immediate call to the police. Usually the police come along with the physician. At the same time it is impossible to touch anything and change. But so that the body does not "close up" in an unnatural position, the deceased must be put on a flat surface, close the eyes. Also in some cases it will have to tie the chin with a handkerchief or a towel, and forever - put large coins. The body needs to cover the sheet, turn off the radiators heating, put out the stove, close the mirrors, the clock, the TV is any (preferably a light cotton) cloth. It can be white sheets, towels. In parallel, this can cause a ritual agent of the company "". To arrive at you, the company's representative, and not a fraudster, you need to write its table number, surname. Upon arrival of the agent, he needs to check the documents. Police will inspect the body of the deceased to identify traces of beatings or injury. Medic will witness the fact of death. The next stage is the departure of the body to the morgue to a medical examination. The ritual agent will be able to accompany the body into the Tanatology department. He learns about what the institution is sent to the deceased when you can pick up the body for the funeral. Delivery of deceased special transport is a free procedure. Morg service is paid. Further actions and services - at your discretion. You can engage in all or individual types of events yourself, with the help of relatives, friends, neighbors. You can assign all a ritual agent:

  • delivery to the morgue of clothes, a coffin;
  • Registration of an official death certificate, disposal benefits, places in the cemetery, in Columbia;
  • organization of ablution, dressing, cosmetic procedures;
  • delivery of the body of the deceased home or to the site of farewell;
  • order clergy, singing;
  • Rent a ritual farewell hall;
  • Organization of memorial lunch.

Ritual agents of can perform certain types of services or will take care of the funeral from the beginning to the end. To do this, the schedule of the funeral with the cost calculation will be prepared and agreed with the consumer.

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