Facial massagers: how to make the right choice


Facial massagers: how to make the right choice 15011_1

Any rejuvenating procedures and the most expensive skin care cosmetics give only a short-term effect if you do not enhance their action using hardware therapy. Facial massager - a tool that any woman can take advantage of, providing at home the effect of a modern spa.

Massager as a wonder aggregate

Many people think that under the term "face massager" is hidden a certain universal miracle unit, capable of a couple of sessions to return the skin freshness and elasticity. And in part, they are right - this is a really wonderful agent. But so that it is effective, it is important to know that the massager is not universal, and there are several types of his species. Each type has their own nuances of use. In order to choose the very tool that the skin will give health, amazing color and silkiness, you need to learn more about some features of these devices.

Classification Face Massager

1) Apparatuses acting on the skin with ultrasound are designed for its suspender. They can be used as a lymphatic lamp when it is necessary to remove edema, perfectly smoothed deep and mimic wrinkles. Such a massager is very effective if you want to get rid of the irregularities and scarring on the skin. Used simultaneously with cosmetics, ultrasonic massage enhances its positive effect on the skin.

2) The action of a galvanic massager for a person is directed to cleansing the skin. The device removes toxins from its cells, and the components of the cosmetic means helps to penetrate it deeper into its structure. Galvanic massagers are recommended to be used with preventive objectives to combat the age-related changes of the skin and the facial oval.

3) Massager working with the help of current micropulse, perfectly pulls into the sagging areas of the skin, eliminates mimic wrinkles, is used as lifting.

4) The apparatus with the effect of radio wave is the best tool, if you need to spend deep circular lifting. He is subject to the deepest age wrinkles, radio waves will eliminate the degros of the cervical muscles and the decolte area.

Whatever the face massager was used, you need to remember that it will not be possible to achieve a sustainable result in just 2 sessions of hardware therapy. Only an integrated approach using reducing cosmetics will help you achieve the desired effect.

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