The benefits of yogurt during daily care: break wivo will help keep beauty


The benefits of yogurt during daily care: break wivo will help keep beauty 15003_1

Brushing hair and nails, dull skin, rash - a common problem, with which you have to fight the representatives of a beautiful floor. If creams, masks and hikes do not give results to the cosmetologist, it's time to think about the internal causes of problems. Often, their root lies in the impaired metabolism, which accumulated slags, improper nutrition. Substantial benefit to eliminate such negative factors has natural milk products. A live yoghurt on Vivo Zakask can be a real "beauty elixir".

What yoghurts are useful for hair and skin

To have lush curls and shiny nails, you need to replenish protein and calcium stocks in the body every day. This is especially important for women, since any stress or hormonal failure leads to significant consumption of essential trace elements. Using fermented milk products, such negative consequences can be avoided. At the same time, you need to know which yoghurt will be the most effective in maintaining the beauty of hair, nails and skin.

To do this, pay attention to the composition. A real, or live product must contain only natural components. Vivo Runs are ideal for its preparation, on you can choose a product containing maximum bifidobacteria. How does such a bacterial complex affect the body?

  • Solves the problem of nail and hair fragility.

  • It helps to fight manifestations of allergies and dermatitis.

  • Participates in the synthesis of vitamins that support health and elasticity of the skin.

  • Actively splits fats and turns them into an affordable energy, helping to cope with cellulite.

The presence of lactobacilli in fermented fermentation contributes to the withdrawal of copied slags and help in the assimilation of the protein. Those who are engaged in sports, it allows you to improve the physical form, remove the extra subcutaneous fat and replace it with muscle mass.

How and when you need to eat yogurt

Nutritionists recommend complying with the following rules:

  • Do not drink with yogurt meat and fish dishes, as this prevents the absorption of iron.

  • There is no yogurt on an empty stomach with a tendency to diseases of the stomach.

  • Select Zakvask, relevant to the needs of the body.

It is best to serve yogurt on the table in the intervals between meals and there are 50-100 g 3-4 times a day. This will help support the beauty and healthy condition of the skin and hair.

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