Dating on the Internet: for and against


Dating on the Internet: for and against 14986_1

The Internet, even many criticize him, gave us new fantastic opportunities. We will be fair: the Internet is just a tool, tool. And how we use it, only depends on us. Let us dwell on the same opportunity that he provided to us: acquaintance.

Has anyone other than Picaperov, led the statistics of personal dating? In real life, we get acquainted quite rarely. We have the greatest opportunities in our educational institution. Outside the educational institution, some of us are the interests lead to the library, others in the club. Some kind of chances give us a vacation. In the office, the dating field is significantly narrowed. And now compare the statistics of our dating on the Internet. It may happen that the day on the Internet we will get acquainted with a lot of people than during the holidays. We talked about dating, meaning the inhabitants of big cities. Residents of small settlements chances for acquaintance in reality are significantly less. And if you consider the desire of people to find a partner with similar interests, the field of possibilities decreases in front of the eyes. The Internet offers us a huge amount of chances for dating and creating relationships. Over time, the circumstance that seemed the advantage becomes a lack of. A wide selection will require more time and effort. A person who posted his questionnaire to dating site, first experiencing Euphoria. He begins to receive messages from many people. Their interest and attention is flattened by pride. He tries to answer everyone. Hope quickly find a friend, especially since the creation is not always justified. And the person quickly gets tired of conversations online, unless, of course, he is not an amateur of such a time. The feeling of novelty is dulled. The person is quite indifferent reading another review. Practicality and romanticism - features that should exclude each other. In the reality of online dating, everything is the opposite. Places similar to Offer visitors to use various tests that help identify compatibility with potential partners. Setting the parameters in the search engine (age, city, interests, education), you can significantly reduce the search time. The site will suggest the applicant the questionnaire of people who have more chances to interest you. You got acquainted with a person who seemed interesting to you, agreed to meet. No need to put on the first date of big expectations. The person you choose in reality may not fit the image that he created in the questionnaire. We all want to please and sometimes make a reality. In the narrow framework, we risk skipping a person who does not meet the specified parameters, but may be a very charming and interesting interlocutor, confirming the rule about attraction of opposites.

On the first date you come prepared. You have already talked with a new acquaintance. Received some idea of ​​it. Of course, you worry a little, but feel more confident. Chatting online brings you to communications in reality. Unfortunately, communication online does not always convey our charm, which we are endowed with reality. People on the Internet often behave freely, is greedy than in reality. They remotely feel more bold. Reality puts everything in its place. At the meeting, we read with the interlocutor, non-verbal information, which will not be replaced by a thousand words spoken on the Internet. Then it becomes clear: I slipped between you "Spark" or not. It may happen that a person who did not impress the impression in the correspondence will like you at first glance. Try to understand what person you are looking for. It will save you time and will increase the performance. Remember that people are inclined to exaggerate, and do not particularly trust the questionnaires. Do not get rid of correspondence. You have two or three days enough to understand whether you want to meet with this person. Otherwise, you can start creating a virtual image that will be far from ideal in reality. Assign the first meeting in the cafe. You need to see each other, talk. In the cinema or at the exhibition you will distract the spectacle. And you need to understand if you can look at each other's eyes.

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