Dating online - desperate step or normal phenomenon


Dating online - desperate step or normal phenomenon 14982_1

In a sense, the search for love on the Internet is a forbidden topic: everyone knows what exists, many do it, but few people admit this. It is mainly due to the fact that several years ago on dating sites, you basically met people who could not tie relations in the real world, and people seeking only bed. In addition, many adolescents created fake accounts for entertainment.

Currently, the situation has changed, and thus changed the perception of the Internet as a tool for dating. The widespread distribution of Facebook and VKontakte and the work of webcam allows you to make friends on the Internet without any problems, and the benefits of technical progress in this area are obvious. Personally, I know several couples who met on the Internet, and with a clean conscience I can say that such relationships are no different from those that were created in the traditional way. Therefore, I do not see anything bad in the use of the Internet to search for friends and the second half.

Dating on the Internet - Norm or Far?

First of all - why a person looking for love on the Internet should be stigmatized, and a person who wants to meet with someone in the club is "normal"? Just because when searching on the Internet, we do not hide our intentions under the guise of fun and clearly indicate the goal?

Secondly, what is the probability of a meeting of an adequate person on the street, and what - on the Internet? Do people pass psychological testing before entering the club? Not. Also in the network you can find both adequate interlocutors, and not very.

Thirdly, we live in times when the Internet has become an integral part of our life, we regularly make purchases through the World Wide Web, but we consider it strange to meet there with people. If a person who gets friends via the Internet, according to society is desperate, as you call a person doing online?

The above arguments once again demonstrate that I am not bad in terms of finding friends on the Internet. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that this is a tool that should be used only for dating, the further development of which should go beyond the network.

On the security of meetings

Some people are concerned about the security of such meetings. When we speak with someone in the club for half an hour, and then going to meet with this person elsewhere, we know about it as much as if I got acquainted with him on a special site. In addition, each has a page in social networks, from which you often learn more than from direct conversation.

The success of dating in the network depends on how we present ourselves to someone. It often happens that people describe themselves as they would like, and not how it really is. For this reason, during the real meeting comes frustration. As a result, the feeling that you were deceived and a negative opinion about the acquaintances on the Internet.

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