5 modern attractions of Kazakhstan who cause admiration


5 modern attractions of Kazakhstan who cause admiration 14974_1

Kazakhstan provides travelers with practically limitless possibilities, because in this country the most ancient traditions of the East amazingly intertwined with Western culture, the modern architecture of large cities is organically adjacent to the ancient buildings, which were the lighthouses of the Great Silk Road, and the world-famous Baikonur cosmodrome is located among the 1000-year-old Steppe, According to which in time immemorials rushed to conquer the Mongolian Horde.

Today in Kazakhstan, tourists will offer a wide variety of excursion directions that will learn a lot of interesting about the history and culture of this country. You can buy a ticket for Almaty Taraz - the first Losuce station in Kazakhstan, prices are very democratic - and see all the beauties of this country. In the south of Kazakhstan, you can make a immersion in antiquity. Here are the real architectural pearls of the past - mosque, fortresses, mausoleum and burial, which is not one hundred years. Lovers of relaxation at comfortable resorts is better to go to the central part of the country or north. You can relax health well and get strength in Kissheta, Bayan-Aule or Maldes. And travelers are waiting for the slopes of Altai, amazing lakes and monuments of the Sufi period.

Nevertheless, the special interest of tourists is caused by modern attractions of this country. By visiting the site flyarystan.com, you can find tickets at very pleasant prices and go to the fascinating journey.

1. Mosque Khazaret Sultan

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In 2012, the mosque strikes the magnificence in Astana, whose name in translated means "Holy Sultan". Built the mosque was in honor of the philosopher poet and Islamic Holy Khoji Ahmed Yassavi, who lived in the XIII century. He was a respected sheikh. This amazing sample of Muslim architecture is located on the square in 11 hectares, and about 10,000 faithful in the mosque on prayer.

2. Khan-Shatyr

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The futuristic building of the shopping and entertainment center is the brightest sample of the modern architecture of Kazakhstan. The building resembles a traditional Kazakh tent, in the center of which is the spire. Steel cables are depicted from the spire, and a strong transparent canvas is fixed on them. The building amazes its architectural solution and included in the top ten of the most "green" buildings of the world.

3. Baikonur cosmodrome

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Traveling to Kazakhstan is a unique opportunity to see the first on the planet cosmodrome, from where mankind went to boil the expanses of the universe. From the site of Baikonur, the first artificial satellite launched, from here I started in my flight Yuri Gagarin. Today, Baikonur is one of the three cosmodromes on our planet, from which manned flights are produced.

4. Astana-Baiterk

In 1997, a pretty strange design appeared in Astana - a memorable sign of Astana-Baiterk. I built it in memory of the transfer of the capital from Alma-Ata to this city. The idea of ​​creating a monument belongs to President Nazabray. Astana-Baiterk symbolizes how nomads represented our universe. The height of the monument is 97 meters. At an altitude of 86 meters there is a huge glass ball in which the hall is located, visiting which you can see all the capital of Kazakhstan.

5. Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

This museum is rightly called one of the most important attractions of Astana. There is a separate exposition dedicated to the children's years of President Nazarbayev, a hall with exclusive weapons, presidential awards, valuable gifts from the heads of other countries and other thematic artifacts. In total, more than 40 thousand exhibits are exposed.

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