How to make a corporate holiday unique, bright and memorable

How to make a corporate holiday unique, bright and memorable 14953_1

Any corporate holiday is always a special event. Moreover, if you are numerical on the state of the company not the first year. The team work traditionally contributes to strengthening relations in the team and after a while each employee becomes part of the whole whole, trying to achieve better results and is sincerely experiencing the success of the company.

When we spend the weeks and months in stock, production or in the office with the same people, then sooner or later you find among their numbers of good acquaintances, friends, and sometimes even love. In any case, once unknown employees gradually become getting closer. And often the working team turns into a friendly team similar to a happy family, where all participants receive the necessary attention, support and assistance in solving life problems.

In such a situation, even the usual birthday of the company already brings joy. But that the future banquet really did not disappoint, left in the shower bright impressions, positive emotions and memories, for the holiday you need to prepare. One of the best formats for the celebration is the personally developed theater program, whose participants will be company employees.


First of all, it is recommended to write a script. This is a serious and painstaking process, to approach the implementation of which it is especially accurate, carefully and responsibly. It is best to entrust this work to the specialists of the relevant profile - by the press service, secretarial to referentam, journalists, copywriters.

Work should not be performed alone, because the scenario turns out to be interesting, original and exciting could not do without attracting other people who will tell the necessary thoughts, will indicate mistakes, help to evaluate the finished work and complete the sketch with a worthy "Happy End".

Preparation of the set

After the finished scenario sees and sign the head of the enterprise, you can start creating a "set". Extensive space, installation of essential details - cameras, curtain, dressing rooms, sound equipment - Here are just some steps that should be taken at the proposed stage. A more specific list is limited only by the fantasy and the imagination of the authors of the script. As well as tasks that are delivered as part of the implementation of the event.

For business!

While the platform for the performance is built and a banquet room is drawn up, you can simply get acquiring carnival clothes and accessories. By reference, you can order suits for the new year for a long time, or on the terms of the rental. Rent a stage form is often more profitable because it contributes to budget savings. So, and the total profitability of the company!

Do not worry about the fact that suitable clothing in the store does not exude. Now on the Internet there is a wide range of theatrical costumes on any color, and the product format can be selected depending on the specific date and directions of the holiday.

For example, if it is planned to be organized during a banquet contest like the Ford Boyard television game, then you should buy monoclies, tubes and weapons. And if a chic program has been cooked with the participation of beautiful dancers, the order of fans, the crown of feathers, umbrellas and wigs will be very by the way.

Finally, add that in order to conquer the true sympathy of the audience and make a holiday truly spectacular and rich, you need to prepare for the event in advance. The earlier you do the acquisition of accessories and the organization of the celebration, the more pleasure will be received from the event!

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