Analyzes at home - the optimal solution during the flu epidemic


Analyzes at home - the optimal solution during the flu epidemic

Every year in the cold period, the incidence of flu is significantly increased. When the quantity of a particular threshold achieved, experts say about the beginning of the epidemic. During this period, doctors tend to make a diagnosis based only on the clinical picture and patient complaints.

This approach is practiced as therapists and pediatricians. The flu epidemic is not a guarantee that a person has this disease that is. In the cold season, the likelihood of infection and other ORVI is great. Treatment of diseases with similar symptoms may differ significantly. So that the doctor picked up the most effective treatment, the patient must Rent analyzes . Only accurately installing the pathogen can be developed for an effective treatment scheme.

Influenza: General Information

The influenza is the influenza Virus family of Orthomixoviridae. It is important to diagnose infection as soon as possible, since the disease is characterized by high infinity. In addition, the speed of diagnosis plays an important role in the success of treatment. Antiviral preparations have maximum efficiency, provided that they started receiving them in the first two days from the date of infection. To identify this pathogen, a large number of laboratory tests based on various research techniques have been developed. The maximum sensitivity is the PCR method. In addition, the results of such tests, the reception of antiviral drugs practically does not affect. This explains the lack of a method. Positive test result is possible in the absence of living viruses, when a person has almost recovered and cannot infect others. For accurate diagnosis, in some cases, several studies are required for various methods.

The flu is characterized by acute principle, the patient's well-being deteriorated sharply. In such a state, the trip to the laboratory is difficult for testing. In addition, the patient is usually recommended bed mode. His violation may cause complications. Analyzes at home make it possible to pass a survey without additional health risks. Such services today have many private medical laboratories. They allow you to undergo a survey in the shortest possible time in a comfortable home environment and timely start treatment.

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