Fitness Testing: What is it when and for what purpose it goes


Fitness Testing: What is it when and for what purpose it goes 14908_1

Already it is no secret that good results from sports can be achieved, only correctly by choosing the level and format of physical exertion. Without this, you can spend time in the gym or pool, but not to achieve the goal. Therefore, more and more often in sports clubs, clients offer such a service as fitness testing.

What is a service?

Fitness testing is a comprehensive examination of the human body, which allows to obtain the following estimates:
  • health problems;
  • potential physical possibilities of the body;
  • The most optimal techniques of weight loss, recovery, achieve sports results.

This survey can only be carried out by a doctor who has appropriate qualifications. It always begins with a conversation of a person with a person, in the course of which he finds out the state of health, the presence of certain diseases, the features of the rhythm of life, etc. This data is necessary for the doctor to mark concrete recommendations regarding future visitor workouts, his drinking and drinking and Food regime.

What surveys are held within fitness testing

The survey is carried out in a complex, and includes more of the amount of diverse manipulations. After referring to the site of the club, with fitness testing program you can find in all details. But you need to consider: it may have differences with the physiological, age characteristics of visitors to the sports hall.

Usually, fitness testing includes measurement of blood pressure and pulse, carrying out load and residual sample, anthropometry, analysis of body composition. One of the key roles among the whole list of manipulation is allocated to the load sample. This procedure allows you to reliably identify all the problems associated with the cardiovascular system, its readiness for physical exercises in general. According to the obtained results of the load test, the doctor makes recommendations on choosing the direction of sports training.

Analysis of the body composition is a test, aimed at identifying the ratio of fat, musculoskeletal component and water in the body. These data are necessary so that the doctor can determine the optimal multiplicity, duration and level of intensity of future physical workouts in the hall.

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