CRM ONEBOX system for business

CRM ONEBOX system for business 14896_1

Easy, stability, integration - the main advantages of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) OneBox. Automation of labor-intensive management processes in production reduces its cost and increases conversion, allows in each department of the enterprise to bring order and ensure the harmonious functioning of the company. Making Choice In favor of such a system, the company significantly wins in business.

what Is the CRM OneBox system and how does it work?

United CRM system Vanboks. Includes three components: CRM, ERP and BPM. Each individual system is dealt with specifically set tasks. Them description It is below:
  1. CRM system - optimization Organization of work with clients. A detailed contact database, their relationship allows you to improve their maintenance.
  2. ERP system - combining production and operations, administration of assets and personnel, financial regulation and control.
  3. The BPM system is intended to be clear and maximally transparent to conduct business operations, with constant adaptation by them and further modeling.

The wide functionality and efficiency of the platform will help simplify the maintenance of small, medium and large businesses, and will save from manual execution of routine processes. Instruction On the system, it will help even the unsure user to quickly get the right skills and see all the advantages.

Benefits of the CRM ONEBOX system

As it is possible to understand the needs of customers and act accordingly allows the CRM system. Thanks to its implementation, customers receive:

  • growth of labor productivity of all structural units;
  • improving the quality of cooperation of managers with recipients services;
  • the ability to remotely coordinate projects from any corner of the world;
  • Self-organization of employees and unobtrusive control over the performance of tasks:
  • System collection and processing of calls, mail, messages;
  • system of document management and contracts;
  • Processing Prices from suppliers;
  • expanding the functions of accounting for the warehouse and the movement of commodity positions;
  • The client database provide the necessary information in a couple of clicks;
  • Logistics and administration by human resources;
  • Financial Management: Control of income and waste.

How is the introduction of the system?

Process Implementation runs quickly, and the client independently chooses the diverse operations with further formation of the package of documents. For those who wonder: as It is better to organize your business - the answer is one: Install CRM..

After purchasing the system there are several ways to install and adjust it for yourself. The first option provides independent work on the introduction of all software in your company. In order to eliminate global problems, customers are provided with detailed instructions. The second way will be the challenge of a specialist who quickly cope with adaptation to a specific direction. It is also available to perform all installation work in turnkey, so as not to tear up employees from affairs, and then comprehensively train them to all nuances of using the program.

CRM ONEBOX system for business 14896_2

OneBox. Feels under any company and its features control in him. The ideal system allows you to quickly make solutions and work on ahead. The whole analytics in one source with the presence of the necessary technical support will allow to bring business to a qualitatively new level. The first successes will be visible almost immediately after the introduction of the system in their business. Leave time to solve complex tasks simply if most routine processes are performed automatically.

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