Why the enamel of the teeth is destroyed and is it possible to solve this problem


Why the enamel of the teeth is destroyed and is it possible to solve this problem 14889_1

Most often, patients appeal to the dentist for the treatment of caries. Indeed, it is the most common illness in the world - among all diseases in general, and not only in the dental sphere. But there are other pathology of the teeth, which are found in a huge number of people. For example, erosion of dental enamel is detected in 20-50% of the population. What is this disease, because of what appears and how is it treated? Let's talk about this in today's article.

What is erosion

Erosion of the enamel of teeth refers to non-carious defeats, that is, it does not occur because of the caries (causing a little lower). For pathology, irreplaceable destruction or "corrosion" of the enamel layer, and sometimes dentin. Externally, erosion may look like white spots on the teeth, but in the absence of treatment, white spots are replaced with choppers or furrows of a rounded shape and yellow shade.

The sections of the erosion of the enamel on the teeth in the "Smile Zone" are noticeable - on the front walls of the cutters and fangs. And in children's threads may occur on the chewing surfaces of dairy molars.

Interesting fact! If you contact statistics, it will be clear that in adult people erosion enamel is diagnosed in 20% of cases, and in children under 18 - in 50% of cases.

Causes of pathology

If the cause of caries is considered cariesogeneous bacteria, for example, Streptococcus mutans, then erosion is caused by microbial factors, but external and internal reasons:

  • Mechanical impact: here belongs hard food (seeds, nuts, crackers), a toothbrush with a rigid pile, a highly abrasive toothpaste - all this injures and scratches enamel,
  • Chemical impact: improper use of whitening pastes or gels, a large amount of food with increased acidity (lemons, strawberries, ketchup, canned with vinegar). The destruction of the enamel structure is "washed" useful components,
  • The diseases of the body: we are talking about GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), pathology of the endocrine system. During problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the oral cavity, acidity increases, and the disruption of the production of hormones adversely affects the metabolism, therefore not only teeth, but also bones,
  • Wrong bite: for example, mesial, deep or cross. A closure of the jaws is disturbed, so the teeth contact incorrectly. And excess pressure when chewing food leads to washes and erosion of the enamel layer,
  • Lack of beneficial substances in the diet: for example, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and fluorine. Enamel does not receive the desired number of "building" elements to maintain a dense structure.

Methods for the treatment of erosion enamel

Immediately disclaim that this defect can be cured only in dentistry. Patients with white spots on enamel (initial stage) show a course of remineralization or deep fluorination. For this, the dentist conducts special strengthening applications with calcium or fluorine. If the destruction of enamels have a dark shade and sufficiently deep in the form, then the prosthetics are required by crowns, artistic buildup of a seal or installation of veneers (or luminations).

It's important to know! If the cause of erosion of enamels became internal diseases or an incorrect bite, then they need early treatment. Without the normalization of the overall condition or bite correction, the elimination of the erosive defect will be only a temporary cosmetic character.

Funds for prevention

For prevention, patients are assigned an additional intake of calcium and vitamin complexes - they should be taken by courses so that erosion is not exacerbated, and was in a kind of remission. Also remember banning hard products. To choose from brush and paste, too, it is necessary to fit consciously - choose a soft or medium-rigid bristle, and the paste must be abrasiveness below 70 units.

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