5 options for the formation of credit history from scratch


5 options for the formation of credit history from scratch 14847_1

Thanks to global informatization, the process of data exchange between financial companies has been much accelerated. And the emergence of such a structure like BKI made it possible to increase the efficiency of lending. The full cooperation of customers with famous banks today is possible only if there is a positive business reputation. The lack of credit history is not an indicator of the borrower's decency, and may, on the contrary, serve as a reason for refusing cash. How to fix the situation?

Option number 1: "MFO Help"

This method will suit those borrowers who are ready to cooperate with MFIs. Such organizations accept applications for loans both online and in their offices. Remote maintenance today is more popular because it allows all operations without leaving the house. The basic condition of the successful transaction is the availability of the Internet.

This type of financing is good because:

  • It takes no more than an hour;
  • Using the services of MFIs can be used from any region of the country;
  • Lending conditions are simplified as much as possible (nothing is required from the borrower, except for the passport);
  • Money can be credited at the request of the client on the card, the electronic wallet, or shipped one of the instantaneous translation systems (depending on the options that the selected company offers);
  • Even customers who do not have any permanent income can take advantage of online loans, or there is no opportunity to confirm earnings in certifications from accounting.

It is important: In order to form a credit history, it is necessary to approach the choice of online loan as much as possible. The Central Bank obliges all microfinance organizations included in the registry, submit information to the BKA. If the company you choose is not in the specified list, it is better to refuse the transaction.

Option number 2: "Capital Card Limit"

It is about such a way of financing, as banknote banknotes. This type of lending is equal to standard loans, since information about such transactions is also reflected in the BKA report.

Credit cards are available to almost everyone. In order to get money, the borrower must comply with certain age criteria. There is a chance that you will not work as a plastic card in a large bank from the first time. In this case, it makes sense to contact a smaller organization. To simplify the procedure of choice, the specialists selected the best credit cards for you and grouped them in a special directory.

Among the advantages of this type of lending:

  • the presence of a grace period;
  • the right to use only part of the funds;
  • The ability to save, thanks to a special interest accrual.

Most likely, the initial amount will be small. However, if you use a "credit card" regularly, and timely extinguish debt, the bank will increase the limit. A systematic appeal to the company's resources will allow you to quickly form a credit history.

Option number 3: "Friendly banks"

If you do not have to count on the favor of favor of major credit companies, you can try to make a loan in a little-known bank. Such institutions are actively working to expand the client base, and rather loyal look at many moments. The lack of credit history is one of them. Most likely, the approved amount will be small, but later, if the repayment will take place without overdue, the client expects preferential financing conditions and an enlarged limit.

Option number 4: "doubly useful shopping"

Another effective way to form a credit history is to design loans for the purchase of goods in stores, i.e. commodity loans. This is a very simple and fast option to get the desired amount. Contracts are concluded by employees of famous banks in sales places. Launch times for such transactions, as a rule, do not exceed 12 months.

The main advantage of commodity loans is that to achieve the desired result, it is enough to purchase something not too expensive. The main thing is that payment is made in a timely manner and in full.

Option number 5: "Provided Transaction"

Banks appreciate customers who do not mind confirm their serious intentions with specific actions. And if you are ready to give a pledge valuable property, it can significantly affect the decision of the credit company. Vehicles are most often taken as possible. Real estate objects are pledged much less often, since there are pretty strict requirements for their assessment.

And finally : Do not "test" all the above options simultaneously. Each case of appeal to the credit institution is recorded in the BKA report, and your actions may not lead to the result that you expect.

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