Cleaning face masks: how to choose them and correctly apply


Cleaning face masks: how to choose them and correctly apply 14766_1

Competent face skin care is impossible without its periodic cleansing. The procedure should be carried out extremely carefully and at the same time delicately. The perfect means - cleaning masks having a fully natural composition.

A wide selection of these cosmetic products offers Meela Meelo. The catalog contains masks based on vegetable extracts, essential oils, natural kaolin - components, in practice proven their unsurpassed cleansing properties.

Why is it so important skin cleansing

Water, gels, foams - all these components are suitable only for surface cleansing of the skin. They are not able to affect the deep layers of the demes. As a result, the skin without careful cleansing loses a healthy appearance, it becomes dim, unbasic black dots, acne appear, irritation. Avoid all this will allow "heavy artillery" in the field of cosmetology - natural masks. The positive effect of the use of these funds becomes apparent after the first application of their first. The natural mask will refresh the face, and the cleaning of the pores will open the access of oxygen into the most deep layers of the demesor, will return the skin a healthy and shining look. How relevant is the use of cleansing composition, each woman for itself can solve themselves. The appearance of black dots, loss of elasticity, elasticity, faded tone of the face - any of these signs is an indicator to start using funds with the corresponding properties.

Recommendations for the use of cleansing masks

Choosing a cleansing mask in the assortment of Meela Meelo, it is necessary to take into account not only the component composition, but also the skin type. The multiplicity of product use depends on age. Women under 30 years old to obtain a stable effect, it is enough to use masks for cleansing the skin 2 times a week. Over the years, the covers lose their elasticity, the work of the sebaceous glands slows down, and the pores are clogged faster. Therefore, more intensive care becomes relevant: the face masks will need to be applied at least 3 times a week. To get the maximum effect of the mask, before applying it:

  1. The face must be thoroughly wash.
  2. Spread the skin (take a bath).

You can keep a natural mask on the skin for 15-20 minutes. For flushing composition, cosmetologists recommend using warm water. Wipe the face with a towel follows neat pattering movements. You can apply the cream after 10-15 minutes after the procedure.

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