What a ritual agency to choose: private or state


What a ritual agency to choose: private or state 14749_1

Anyone faces the loss of close and simultaneously with the difficulties and challenges associated with the funeral. A person who wornsing grief needs support and psychological comfort, all organizational moments assumes the center of ritual services. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account that the ritual bureau covers as many services as possible, which should be universal, should be taken into account religion, traditions, customs, so that customers did not have to contact different centers at the same time. Ritual centers in Russia public and private The main difference in the first is that they are valid under the legislation work for the benefit of citizens. Not so long ago, state structures exceptionally solved problems with registration, place of burial, documentation. Today there are state ritual agents who know their business who are not sitting in the office and working no worse by private traders. Their tasks are to organize a process from the design of the death of a person before the funeral. Private structures work on their own pocket and personal income of the owner. The market of ritual services is the least adjustable sphere, the need to licensing informal services speak only now. In various regions of the country, there are cases of collusion of private traders with morgue, Morgov send relatives at the desired address, using the situation, do not leave cheaper options. Many private structures are disguised under MUP, mention of unnecessary documents. Only after the avenue, a person comes to himself and begins to understand that he was deceived, and much was not needed and cost cheaper. Single Service Comfortable communication through the site ritual.ru, where customers can calculate the cost of funerals. There are several options for conducting events from cremation to a large-scale mourning ceremony. State bureaus guaranteed to provide the necessary work without surcharge and overpayments, for a specific category there are discounts. The following questions are written individually:

  • Legal care
  • Sanitary processing (embalming, disinfection, safety, kneading)
  • organization of transportation of the deceased and accompanying

On Ritual.ru, a legislative framework is provided, a list of necessary documents and assistance in the payment of various benefits, as well as a list of available burial places with titles and location of cemeteries. A set of ritual services of public and private bureaus is usually no different and is universal. But public services go towards those who found themselves in a difficult situation, you can sign a payment by installments. The cost of burial, edited on the site ritual.ru from 8500, cremation from 5500. Prices may differ in time of the year. Weather conditions, soil condition, digging graves, installation of fence in the winter is more expensive.

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