How to choose a photo wallpaper for modern interior


How to choose a photo wallpaper for modern interior 14672_1
Fashion changed. Moreover, this statement concerns not only clothes, in the repair of housing, it also quickly changes. Today photo wallpapers are returned to the fashion, as it is a relatively simple and inexpensive way to radically change the room space.

Advantages of photo wallpaper

The main feature of this finishing material for the walls is in a huge variety and the possibility of creating wallpaper to order, thanks to which you can pick up the image that will become ideal for one or another room space. Properly selected drawing will hide disadvantages, help expand the room. Modern wallpapers on the site are very different from the options that used to be seen on the walls in almost every Soviet apartment - the quality has changed very much, the images have become clearer and attractive, and The price is not very high.

Selection for the living room

In an apartment or house, the living room serves as a common room in which everyone can relax, and therefore the picture of the photo wake must always like everyone. The wall on which the photo wallpaper is planned is to be as free as possible, well visible. The best option for the living room is the large-sized wallpaper, which occupy the wall or its most.

Wall mural in the bedroom interior

For a bedroom, pick pictures are not easy and to such a choice should be particularly responsible. It is not desirable to use bright paints that excite or can even annoy. This is a room for sleep, and therefore the photo wallpaper should contribute to relaxation and departure to sleep. Beautiful fields and gardens, images of colors - it is such a photo wallpaper, according to psychologists, are the ideal option for the bedroom.

Children's photo wallpaper

Beautiful and bright wallpapers very much like children. Todders up to three years in the room it is better to glue careless, soothing images. After three years, children can already perceive small details, they appear favorite cartoon characters that they would like to "settle" in their room. Children to school age can come to the heart of the photo wallpaper in the form of cards and other teaching aids that not only look beautiful, and will also be useful. Before such a purchase is always better to consult with the child.

Wall mural in the kitchen interior

Choosing a photo wallpaper for decoration of the kitchen, you should pay attention to the material that could be subjected to wet cleansing. As for the image, for this room, the best solutions become wallpapers with large edible images: berries and fruits, coffee beans, etc.

Door decorations

Recently, a fairly common practice has decorated with photographic windows of interroom doors. Such designs can be hidden under different patterns, it is especially interesting and unusual doors look at which wallpapers are pasted with a fireplace or a bookcase.

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