What is good home yogurt: calorie, beneficial properties and contraindications


What is good home yogurt: calorie, beneficial properties and contraindications 14647_1

Every day a person should eat dairy products. Many give preference to yogurts, because it is not only useful, but and tasty. You can see yogurts from different manufacturers on sale, but more and more often consumers refuse their acquisition, preferring a home option.

There is nothing difficult in the preparation of this sour-column product at home, the main thing is to know the cooking process, observe all the steps, and also have milk and start-up, without which the yogurt does not work. You can read everything on it on the official website Zakvaski.com. Already in the finished product, at will, you can add a variety of fruits, nuts, etc.

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When cooking yogurt at home, much depends on what kind of starter was chosen. Today they are sold in many places and are created by many manufacturers. Specialists say that yogurts are more delicious and useful, when the preparation of which was used with a large view of bacteria.

You should pay attention to the weight of a dry product, which can be 0.5 grams or 1 gram. Particular attention should be paid to how the suckers are stored, since it is impossible for the preservation of the beneficial properties and the viability of bacteria that the temperature rose above +10 degrees.

About the benefits of yogurt

The finished home yogurt contains a large amount of useful substances. This product can be used even with a dietary diet, however, in this case it is better to abandon any additives. Such an egg product is especially useful for people who recently passed treatment with the use of antibiotics, because yogurt helps to quickly restore the intestinal microflora. Homemade yogurts are rich in calcium, necessary for bone tissue and nervous system. The product prepared independently helps better absorbed minerals and vitamins from other foods. For those who want to know about home yogurt, more, there are reviews.

Cooking home yogurt

Do not be afraid of the preparation of this sour-column product, as there is nothing complicated in this procedure. In the case of acquiring a dry break, you just need to do everything according to its instructions to get the desired result. There is also another way in which the dry sourdough is replaced by yogurt. In this case, 2 liters of milk are needed to boil and leave to 45 degrees. A small amount of this milk in a separate container is mixed with 5 tablespoons of yogurt, after which such a mixture is transfused to the main container with milk, which is then covered with a lid and covered. After 8 hours, the product is thoroughly mixed and sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Possible harm of home yogurt

Usually, such a product does not cause allergic reactions and cannot harm if high-quality products and pure containers were used when it was prepared. In case of allergies, the home yogurt will have to abandon its use.

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