Black caviar: species, most popular methods of cooking and health benefits


Black caviar: species, most popular methods of cooking and health benefits 14644_1

From a long time, black caviar is valued very high. This product, many doctors are recommended to include in the diet, as it contributes to improving immunity, has a lining and tonic effect. That's just the high cost of black caviar makes this product available not to everyone.

Types of black caviar

A black game is a product of sturgeon fish, and it is divided into several types. One of her species is a grainy caviar, which is mined immediately after the catch of fish. It is sure to be sieved through a special sieve and sues dry dining salt. The peculiarity of this type of caviar is that icers have approximately one size, deprived of jaws and films, separated from each other.

Black caviar is a path. Such caviar is arched in jassuats and in the future they remove the jaws, the eggs dried and the ticks, from which they become flat and stick together with each other. Such caviar is considered the most tasty and can be stored for a long time.

The varieties of black caviar include the game a tripled. A rather rare species, to obtain which, after sifting, the caviar is poured with a salt solution, which should be shattered. There is such a caviar only after its complete dehydration.

The most affordable view is a wool caviar. Already the name itself says that surviving is carried out in jaws, it is stored in them. Such calorie calamine and nutritious, but cannot be said about her special taste. The thing is that the calf is often often a caviar of the very fresh or defective fish, which is exposed to a steep ambassador.

Today, buying a black caviar, it would seem, is not a problem. But truly high-quality caviar can only be bought from a reliable supplier. Trading house "Russian caviar" offers a freshly ecologically clean caviar cooked according to original recipes. Among the buyers who are popular with the buyers, a small-haired caviar on the classic recipe and caviar Pathus on an old manner prepared. All caviar is made in Astrakhan, in river sages - i.e. In conditions approximate to natural for sturgeon fish.

Use black caviar

The main use of black caviar is that it contains a large number of minerals and vitamins in itself in itself. Such a product is useful for the cardiovascular system, due to the high content of iron. It contributes to the restoration of vision, nervous system and memory. Useful this caviar is for allergies, as it helps reduce the number and duration of attacks. Eating caviar warns the appearance of tumors due to the presence of Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids in it.

Natural caviar and artificial

Recently, you can often find an inexpensive artificial black caviar. That's just nothing to do with a natural product, and there are no useful substances in it. It is not easy to distinguish an artificial caviar from the present. There are ways to check. For example, you can put eggs on a plate and blow on them. Full eggs will remain in place, stick to the plate, natural - they will pull out.

Black caviar is an expensive product, so unscrupulous sellers and manufacturers can interrupt the period on the package, which means there is a risk of acquiring an already spoiled product. Specialists are recommended to give the preference of black caviar in a transparent container so that you can see in what condition are icre.

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